No Babies (Faggot)

“Owibia am soon mummah nao daddeh! Owibia am have pwittiest babbehs an haf wots of miwkies an huggies!”

“How did you get babies, Olivia?”

“Owibia make bestest speciaw fwiend at pwaygwoup an gif bestest speciaw huggies an tummie babbehs! Am su happi”

“Damn, I thought all the males there had to be neutered. Olivia, did I give you permission to have babies?”

The purple mare suddenly stopped excitedly dancing in place. She thought her daddy would be excited. Aren’t babies the best thing in the world?

“Olivia, I told you you could only have babies if you were a good fluffy.”

“Owibia am gud fwuffy! Nu gif saddies daddeh.”

“Don’t you remember last week when you pissed on the floor?”

“Nu mean tu make bad peepees daddeh, owibia haf su much fun pwaying wif toysies nu wan gu tu wittabox.”

“And I was supposed to assign you a male as your special friend.”

“Speciaw fwiend am bestest stawwion ebah! Gif onwe bestest babbehs!”

“Why do you even want to have babies so much?”

“Babbehs am bestest fing in whowe wowd! Babbehs am pwitty an chiwpy an nee miwkies an huggies tu gwow up big an stwong!”

Of course, Aiden should’ve better predicted his mare’s instinctual drive to breed like rats and other owner’s willingness to follow rules and get their pet fixed. Mares needed to be spayed by 6 months into the program and Olivia was 4. Maybe he should’ve gotten it out of the way early. No matter, he knew how to punish her.

Olivia got extra food for her tummy babies and really got into the motherhood spirit, singing to her tummy every night and always talking about making the best tasting milk for her babies. She was excited to be a mom. Nearing the end of her month long pregnancy she was needing help getting her fat ass in the litterbox and was asking for enough food daily to feed her for a week a month prior.

Aiden had another pet. A monitor lizard named T Rex. He showed him to Olivia in his tank sometimes and he’d always try to bite at her through the glass. He learned to separate them because she’d regularly make scardy poopies when the “munstah” was around.


Quickly he carried Olivia’s bloated ass into the lizard room as she went into labor. He opened the top hatch and plopped her on top of the tank, ass end facing the hole.

“Nu wan haf babbehs in hewe! Owibia am scawed of dummeh munstah!”

Her involuntary muscle contractions began and the first foal started pushing through her birth canal. It dropped to the floor of the tank.

“Nu! Babbeh am faww! Nee huggies!”

“I told you you couldn’t have babies without my permission you impulsive rodent, now your babies are going to be food for my lizard.”


T Rex marched over to devour the first squirming, chirping, slimy foal, the second and third landing right in front of him as the first disappeared down his gullet.

“Nu! Pwease munstah! Nu nummeh babbehs! Babbehs nee huggies an miwkie! Nee gwow up big an stwong! Nu am nummies! Nu gif huwties! Daddeh pewase! Owibia onwe hab wastest babbeh! Sabe babbeh!”

She helplessly watched her final foal fall out of her vagina and into the gaping maw of the hungry predator. The afterbirth fell, his dessert.

“Nu, hu hu hu… aww owibia babbehs take fowevah sweepies! Nu am mummah nao! Owibia habw wowst saddies ebah! Wan babbehs!”

“Sorry, I’m taking you to the vet tomorrow to be spayed, you’ll never have babies again.”

“Huhu, wan die.”


Man so cool, you should make a sequel where he founds her special friend and do something to fuck him up


Awwww but if she’s fixed what special treats will T-rex get?


fuck it make them T Rex personal snack factory he deserve those babies more that Oliva does


Good for T Rex. Fuck Olivia. Spay her but get another breeding bitch to feed the lizard.


This is why you should have fed your Fluffies Spaghetti with Parsley since foalhood. No need for neutering


Love how reliant fluffies are on people. Serves her right for not listening to her daddeh


This i agree with!

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That`s the spirit!

Pretty sure the common head canon is that foals with poor temperaments and/or colorations get sold as reptile food.