NO MIWKIES part 1 (artist KerosineCannibal–author Foalout4)



Yet another good cliff hanger you have some serious talent in story telling please show more you have got me really hyped for the abuse part coming up.


Please come back. huuu


Can’t wait for the next part if one ever gets made. Amazing art and story.

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I’m working on the second part now. I had to start over cuz all my stuff got lost due to my tablets memory lmao


Take your time, we’ll wait patiently. Just don’t be too hard on the fluffy family, ok? :worried:

Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Foalius the Sensitive?


I don’t know how I missed this until now! A great little abuse story that I read near the beginning of my fluffy fascination (“fluff-scination”? Ugh, no, nm), but made with exquisite art! Thank you! :blush:

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Second part is up


So…the thing with sensitive babies is…I don’t fully understand them. Are they derped? Or are they only slightly retarded? Or does the mother spoil it so much that it’s deprived of any indepedence or agency and therefore can only peep and chirp and not learn any words like the other foals? Are they more functional than derped fluffies?

They don’t use the same garbled Fluffspeak the derped ones do, so I don’t know.


I think its a combination of both. In this case (based on the original story) The Foal in question appeared to have developmental delays (it was incapable of speech while it’s siblings were, despite having obvious better nourishment) and also had severe anxiety issues when not near its mother. I think being Derp’d is generally accepted as like severe brain damage (vacant stare, listless, unable to care for itself).

So perhaps this is some form of retardation for the foal, we don’t have any official syndromes on it.


probably because it was used only one time so far. we are not even sure if sensitive babbeh is a term that is universal among fluffies or is unique to this particular mare

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Its been used in a few other scenarios, but with different contexts. There is one MM did with a fluffy willing to give their ‘sensitive baby’ to her avatar, but the context was more the baby was incredibly emotional and scared. (implied impending abuse).

I wonder if that something the community can explore more and canonize, its apparent that Derp syndrome exists and other unintended medical issues; perhaps this can be something to expand upon.

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Sensitive babbehs are ideal for the lazy abuser, even after they grow up into sensitive fluffies.

You don’t need to do much, maybe just some neglect, and the payoff is the same as you’d get with a regular fluffy and a more active abuser.

so, are special babies (retarded one) a real thing or is it just his headcanon?

They have popped up in a few stories by different authors, usually called ‘forever foals’ because they never progress mentally past the chirpie stage.



Damn right

abuse boner intensifies

Ayo he got that lord dio look in his eye