No more last chances. (by: artist-kun)

Trust me, I know all about that. I don’t need the history lesson. Half-Jewish, remember? It’s personal to me. I wouldn’t be here if Toothbrush-Face had won.

He wasn’t very fond of the Russians either, was he? Or rather, the Soviets. I know that’s not exactly the same thing, too.

But these days the Nazis have a well-deserved reputation for being the biggest dicks in history, and the only people in the present who agree with them are considered dicks too, so tell me how the Fluffocaust would work out in the long run for whoever instigates it.

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It’s neither about you, nor me, nor the nazis. Look only at the fact that it is 100% possible to convince millions of people that you and me are subhumans, and nazis proved it on practice. If they can do that, a multimillion corporation can surely convince the world that those shitrats are biotoys

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I see your point, but Jews were discriminated against for a long time before the Holocaust, and a lot of people still objected to those camps when they came to light.

So even if Hasbio convinces people that fluffies are just toys, it doesn’t mean everyone would just dive on into abuse. If it was fuzzies, then it’d be more likely, I reckon. Fuzzies are more like mindless robots than sentient beings, they’d just creep people out, fluffies are more relatable. Or if it’s hellgremlins. Then everyone abusing them is definitely going to happen. I think even a Buddhist monk would abuse a hellgremlin.

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Of course not everyone would just abuse them. All hasbio do, is convince people that they are biotoys. It’s not a fact that tell people to destroy them. It’s a fact that tell them that they can do whatever the fuck they want with them. They already instinctively do the huggie poses, talk non-stop about huggies and love and ask for babbehs the moment they see one, so it’s not that hard to see a really advanced marvel of bio-machine in them

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Yeah, but how many people would want to torture something that begs them for mercy in a childlike voice?

Would you do it? I wouldn’t. But I have a rule against hurting anyone who hasn’t really done anything to deserve it. And most of the shit fluffies do just doesn’t meet my standards for justified violence. They can be annoying, sure, but if I’m going to kill everyone who annoys me, there’s not gonna be a whole lot of people left.

A smarty breaking through my fence and demanding pasta might get a kick up the ass and a warning, but I wouldn’t kill the little bastard unless I ran out of options. I’d try to be merciful. Hell, I’d find a way to keep the smarty out and avoid the issue to begin with.

On the other hand, if it’s say, a foal-raper, then I would definitely show no mercy. Or if I have fluffies of my own, and the smarty tries to draft them into his herd, I’d make it very clear that that’s not gonna happen.

You are overlooking another factor why abuse exists. The lack of responsibility. The live example. In Russia, domestic violence is legal. I and millions of other Russian know it’s horrible awful and evil, and yet the amount of domestic violence increased. Does it mean that people just got diagnosed with psychopathy after the papers were signed? No, of course they weren’t. It’s just not all people are good like you. Some of them are drunk or/and on drugs, others doing it because God wants them to do it, others see it as the only possible way to deal with domestic conflicts. If you can’t see yourself doing it, it doesn’t mean that people more evil than you won’t do it.


I did not know that.

That makes me a bit sad, to be honest.

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It is fucking sad and I hate my government for that


No wonder Russians have a reputation for drinking a lot. Just hearing about shit like this makes me want to get fershnickered to forget about it.

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I hope you cam see my point now. Evil people can exist without a mental illness if the media justifies their actions and they are not stopped by law

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Yeah, I know. People are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. I needed a reminder, so thank you.

But I still think everyone’s gotta draw the line somewhere. Look at it this way, hardened killers and thugs in prison don’t like the assholes who are in there for hurting kids. Even the worst of people can still have lines they won’t cross.

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And if you are not telling them that they are evil. This is the most important

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The really frightening thing is, someone can be evil to the core and still think they’re the good guy. They think anyone who tries to stop them is the bad guy. They probably wouldn’t listen if you called them evil.

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Exactly, hence abusers vs hugboxers. Let’s wrap this up on the fact that the line you were talking about depands on the headcanon :pray:

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I think the main reason fluffies are often sold for snake food is that worthless foals are born as a side product of breeding for actually valuable colors. And because so many people prefer raising fluffies from foals themselves, even good-colored fluffies can become waste if they grow too old before getting bought.

Eh, you could probably sell 'em to a breeder.

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Breeders have their own fluffies already. Why would they need more?


Because they have good colors and functioning genitals? Or maybe the breeder needs a fluffy with certain colors they want to breed. Or they’re running low, especially if we’re talking about a crappy mill.

The thing of fluffy breeding is that the market is flowded, no breeder need buy a fluffy from other breeder, that make fluffies so cheap.

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It will grow old by the time the stars will align like that. Better sell it to the snake owners who ALWAYS have a hungry snake
But even than they feed like twice a week so it’s not a 100% chance either