Noroi: A Sacrifice for the Kodoku by Mikahorsie

One of the downsides of utilizing Micro Fluffies as Kodoku components is their own ability to think and their emotions. These Kodoku Microfluffy has a tendency to be feral and vengeful to the sorcerer who lock them inside what they call “SOWWY Box”

Sacrificing the Heart, the Liver , the genitals of a Fluffy that is pure (Isolating the fluffy from birth and not allowing it to see the outside world) would tame the cannibalistic Being that now resides in the jar. Once they are sated, you may now use the Kodoku as a curse component without risking it turning on you.

The Micro Fluffy surviving the process would generally develop a golden fluff (regardless of it’s previous fluff color) , dark Mane, fangs and prehensile tail and would take a more demonic appearance…


Scary shit

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What kind of curses can it be used for? and how would you use it as a component?

Basic Kodoku could be used for poison and mental manipulation. This could also be achieved by grounding up the Microfluffy Kodoku and feeding the meat to your victim.

Gold Silkworm is also possible with it… Unfortunately any victim being targeted by such would have to put up with a Cannibalistic Smarty of a Micro Fluffy who requires to at least have a Whole fluffy for sacrifice every week or else it would start to cause misfortune. So you really don’t want to use it to gain fortune. (Imagine getting a Smarty fluffy you cannot torture cause it’s health is monitored and is keyed to a Nuclear bomb)

You can also use it as a sacrificial component to other forms of curses.

It’s Bodily fluids also can be used as a repellant to other Fluffies. It’s poop , when dried out and burned as an incense would cause other Fluffies to avoid such area. No fluffy could enter such area for a year.

It’s horns can be ground up and use as a counter curse ingredient. You have to purify it by putting it on a bowl and exposed to the moon , Infront of a shrine in for a whole month before using it tho.

It’s bones can be used for divination.


Ironically ypu could ise its meat in spaghetti and mentally manipulate a herd to be do dome messed up stuff to each other… that or a supernatural poison which could horrifically kill them… its an alternative to buying rat poison when in temote area at least

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Love the character design of the caster.

The sacrifice is interesting and keeping it pure is the hardest.

Dang that demon fluff is creepy

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ohhhh i love this

I remember hearing about in Eastern European dark magic the surviving subject in their kodoku-like method becomes a vampire like creature. The practitioner then has to feed it a drop of blood a day to keep it in check but it acts like a personal assassin. Though if not fed the creature will instead kill the user effectively adding a curse to themselves in exchange for such a powerful tool.

Maybe slip in some tummeh skettis instead of the blood and thats in the spirit of things.