Noroi: Birth by Mikahorsie

The Curse is Fully Realized…


Anyone getting junji ito vibes and what is the curse exactly?


Her Womb is cursed. “whenever she is near birth, a Mononoke would take the place inside her Womb and eat her Tummeh Babbehs, before forcing her to give birth to whatever abomination that Mononoke took form.”

It’s punishment for desecrating the Shrine that Acts as a Gate to Yomi… (She ate and shat on the offerings to appease Izanami)

The cursed beings are technically not physical beings but would only be Physical during childbirth.

The Mare would always heal and survive even if the Babbehs tore through her… (Largest “child” was 8 feet Tall)

Part of the Curse is she couldn’t say no to getting pregnant.


Oh… izanami. Looks like the creatures fuse the deviured foals into their body, imagine they still make noise too.
But as a mythology buff yeah dont piss of Izanami especially when shes now an underworld goddess… if she became a part of a herd the curse could involve the monsters devouring the herd too but the scariest part is theres no trace each morning not even blood with the mare being the only survivor.


At least Susanoo has a more timely way of dealing with equines.

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Susanoo would have found it funny that a mare would cause such annoyance tbh…

Tsukuyomi on the other hand would probably be offended by the thought of such being.

Amaterasu would probably find it cute if a bit dirty.

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Thats one of them, my first impression was Bloodborne from that boss battle at the beach.

But love the design its is as creepy.

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Yeah the Orphan of Kos is rad as they are a nightmare

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This is so cool

Neat concept