Noroi: Fluffy Kodoku by Mikahorsie

蛊?in Chinese?

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Traditional Chinese Seal Script… Specifically this



@Mikahorsie Japanese instead of Chinese, but Fluffies being used in ushi no koku mairi would be interesting.

Or more from my personal practice, actual Vodou (not sensationalist doll crap)

That method of cursing requires to have a Human effigy as a medium tho. I really do not think replacing the Straw doll with a Random Fluffy would work in such effect… technically you are driving in your grudge and intent to kill into the Doll that represents your target …

Usually just depicted crudely by making them look like the target or if you want to be specific on targeting them, place something that of the victim inside the straw doll (Nail clippings, hair, bloodied clothing , etc…)

It’s also a bit finicky in practice cause technically the ritual requires you to do it Multiple times on a Specific time (1-3 AM) and unseen for several days…

if your grudge falters during that time, the curse ritual fails… Got caught sneaking and nailing the effigy? The curse fails… Be late by just 1 minute of the Time of the Ox?? yep… The curse Fails…

It would look nice tho

Yeah. It’s more look than any effectiveness in a magical praxis.

Weirdly as a vodouisant? There are several Lwa that would actually LIKE Fluffies probably.

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