Noroi: Fluffy Kodoku by Mikahorsie

Kodoku is a ancient curse originated from China. It’s a curse that utilized mixed bugs trapped inside a jar and left sealed until one bug remains as potent ingredient in enacting a curse that would cause a great misfortune.

Recently however, curse practitioners have found that utilizing creatures with sentience seem to increase the potency of such curse.

While old practioners still prefer the use of insect, Several new aged sorcerers tend to utilize Fluffy Ponies in the Kodoku Ritual.

The amount of despair and depravity a Desperate Fluffy Pony seemed to further increase the strength of the curse by tenfold.
Further research to such new method needs to be done.

  • Modern Innovative Treaties in Ancient Curses and Rituals by ********* ******

Have they been shaved?


It increases their resentment and inabiIity to seek reIief in hugs etc.


I thought it was more ‘them eat one another to make a monster’.


Dude have you read the manga that uses this curse method as a reference, i forgot thr name tho. Found it is call Dokumushi

Not exactly. The ritual does require the strongest bug to survive to be used. Cursing rituals also requires a certain symbolic connection towards a mentality.

I actually based this modified Kodoku on some other ritual that utilizes a more disturbing requirements.


The only time I’ve seen it in anime was Inuyasha, so was lost on that. That and Japanese lore is weird and deep rabbit hole.


Oooo they would be the perfect ingredients/subjects for the task.

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I kinda wanna see this explored more… maybe an aftermath and stuff.


I thought it was about making the strongest poison from aII poisonous critters.

Yes and no… iirc its basically you put ppisonous snakes, centipedes, spiders, scorpions etc and last one remaining is imbued with a curse and thry are used to influxt this curse via vrnom on a victim.

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Given that a lot of it can be traced back to China :wink:

I know, seen videos basically talking about how Japan was basically China’s little brother. Buuuut, was more talking about things in Japan folklore and the like there. I’ll just post a link to a channel to show what I mean.

Ugh no! I need to save them! But as a lover of supernatural and the dark arts this is an incredibly interesting method of curse

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For me was Ghost Hunt another good series to watch. The case of a belittled student by a fuck up egoistic teacher causes him to the curse out of anger before committing suicide.

If you want some general Japan folklore anime, look up ‘Ghost Stories’. It’s basically official fan dub, but it keeps the folklore and how to deal with them.


It’s a simplified look on the basics of the curse. The Kodoku can actually be used in multiple different ways if you look at it’s Chinese origin - Gu.

It’s mostly used to poison someone and with it’s Chinese characters showing 3 bugs on top of a pot/container, it’s easily to misinterpreted it’s mechanics.

Kodoku or Gu can utilize any animal and while it’s main use on Its practitioners are for Poison or Mental manipulation, it can also be used in several other ways like the “Gold Silkworm Exchange” ( A fortune based Curse that utilize a Kodoku to be used as a “Golden Silkworm” that would bring Great Fortune to the family that takes care of it… Requiring sacrifices to be done to it… If the Golden Silkworm is killed or neglected, it would bring Great Misfortune to the victim and his family)

The largest Creature to be used as a medium was Snakes which is on an ancient Chinese text on such curse with the family dying from a Plague when the “Golden Silkworm” has died.


It is a matter of concentrating the essence.
& brownies :wink:

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