Not all Heroes Wear Capes [RQ]

This is wonderful. A fluffy orphan is such a perfect comforter for the dark and brooding vigilante. :blush:


Batman helps all and be the hero people need… But who’s there to help Batman when he needs it… His fluffy.

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Batman is definitely a hugboxer


he has his fair share of violence already, no need to bring it to his home too


I agree

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i cant think of too many superheroes who would be abusers

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That’s because they have standards



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I’m not crying you’re crying!

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ADORABLE comic :heart_eyes:
Big Sorry box Is Arkham?!? :thinking:

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hmmm, i wonder where the joker could be inntroduced here

It’s all fun and games until Damien comes home with a new fluffy, and Thomas will get a small family of his own. Then Dick Grayson will try and one up Damien, and bring home a small herd for Thomas. Then, Alfred cleans out a portion of the Batcave for the larger safe room. Stranger yet, The Joker stops by, and gives Thomas his old herd. Then the Riddler. Penguin. Followed by the entire Gotham underground criminal elements: Arkham Asylum has been doing better rehabilitation of the criminals they house with fluffies.


Rip Kevin Conroy

ohhhhhh my heart!! i cant!!

Omg Batman TwT✨
Okay I fudging love this very much! TwT

Hey, yeah the competition was my “Booru Bash” and the prize was a $15 amazon gift card. It was me, Aichi, and someone else on the judge panel. If I remember correctly someone making a “deadpool” pun with a drowned fluffy in a deadpool costume won top prize. You got freaking robbed my dude, I actually restructured the voting process because you didnt win this one. I hope this post all these years later can kinda make up for it lol.


That was pretty cool.

AWWWWWW SHIIIIET… This was BADASS! I was not expecting that.

Bravo, this is a wonderful hug-box comic

Already figured out whos this lil one ending up at ~ … - pulls out a guitar - the man from gotham wore the grey and blue