James Dobbs, a character I did for the story The Path
He tried to look for another job, but his own ego (again) gotten himself into trouble.
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James Dobbs, a character I did for the story The Path
He tried to look for another job, but his own ego (again) gotten himself into trouble.
For Commission and info, PM me
Someone’s gonna end up shooting this guy. I can feel it.
Someone needs to run over the bastard. Repeatedly. He won’t be missed anyway.
This is a great, but oh lawd am I here for James’ pose in the last panel. It has me in stitches!
“Could my toxic attitude of a bygone era be the source of my problems?
No. No it’s everyone else who is wrong.”
Keep on trucking Jimmy, eventually you’ll find as fucking stupid as you
How many times do James have to fuck up before becoming unemployable?
Hopefully not too many.
He would pop up time to time still getting into trouble for the egoistic, dumb decisions he would made
Imagine him bumping into Jonathan crew and try to mess with their job (and fail) and Jonathan would give him a piece of his mind.
Please let this man died at the hands of a bitch mare he created.
Now there’s an idea, James has been name-dropped in my canon so I could bring him in.
Hold on let me work something out here
Wait is he the guy from that comic fired by that lady cuz he poisoned the minds of the ladies designer fluffies?
How much ya want to bet that guy name is james from one of the other fallen angel comic … and << >> if anyone notices a corpse in the road gonna quote skipper here " YOU DIDNT SEE ANYTHING GOT IT !! " and as for the mare … why do i see her losing everything … from her pretty fluff to home …
He its that guy from the other one god damn he’s an idiot huh and didn’t learn
He’s the human counterpart to the little blue bestest lol
Exactly what I was thinking - imagine them both drowning their sorrows - one in alcohol, the other in miwkies.
Side note, that is a pretty coat and mane colour on the mare. Don’t normally like the unnatural colours these abominations come in.
I will gladly commisson you to do a story arc based on james and how his geo grew