Not Your Bestest, Page 4 (TG_89)

Not this hamster wheel, which is far too small (very dangerous for the hamster’s spine) and obviously has a danger of the hamster getting caught. That hamster was not having fun being jerked around like that and may have even sustained a fracture. Metal wheels are infamous for giving hamsters all sorts of horrific injuries.

Additionally, hamsters are strictly solitary and very territorial. There shouldn’t be two hamsters in that enclosure (which I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s too small as well). They will inevitably fight, which will end up with one or both injured and/or killed.

Some dwarf species (yes, they’re not actually just breeds; they are all completely different species of hamster) can occasionally be kept together if they were raised together as babies and have both enough space and two of each resource so they don’t fight over them, but it’s not recommended and better to separate them as soon as they reach maturity.

And Syrian Hamsters cannot ever be housed together even if they’re littermates. No exceptions.

Hamsters are not toys and they are not disposable. They are living, feeling animals who deserve the proper respect and care they need.

This website has more information on proper hamster care: | Welfare Advice – Evidence – Care Information (It’s UK-based so the legal information likely doesn’t apply to most other countries, but the information about proper and ethical hamster care is universal.)

PS: Though this reply is mainly to educate and warn against the mistreatment of hamsters, anyone who reads this should feel free to use this information for microfluffy abuse stories if they want. After all, animals deserve respect, but fluffies deserve nothing. :wink:


Huh, alright. Good to know!

I don’t really have much else to say, just thanks for explaining it for me.

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No problem. I’m always glad to inform people about things like this. :slight_smile:

bro writing the whole paragraph about hamster, are you ok ? , is anyone hurt you…?

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  1. You type like you’re 14 years old at the most, with grammar so poor that I hope you’re just a non-native English speaker.
  2. I’m against the abuse of real animals, as is the site as a whole. If you have a problem with that, then find somewhere else.
  3. Trying to shame someone for spreading awareness about something like this is disgusting.