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Can it pick soy and reap barley?


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Hmm. Let me ponder. My character Leeane might be a good cameo on the research or agricultural aspect. All her stories focus on fluffies with weird genetic mutations.

If, IF, IF anyone has hallucinations due to stress, intoxication, etc? Napoleon and Hippolyta might be what you need. They can be loving pests like the animaniacs or humorously spiteful like other cartoon characters.

I have Raven, who is a technical writer and researcher dealing mainly with more unusual fluffies. Fluffy-wise. . .wow. . .probably just Grim for now. He’s weird but not threatening aura, having tentacles weird. I think they’d work best as occasional guest appearances if you were interested.

So fluffies will scare the birds off the land, but it will be hell to pay when some carnivorous ducks or cobra chickens pay a visit to the farm…


So, birds are going to be one of the biggest threats to this place. Birds of prey in general. Carnivorous ducks would be especially dangerous.

I could add a weird-wing to the research lab. Where Xenos and mutants are researched.

If you need help or contributions to your vision id help, but inthink our drawing styles may clash pretty bad…

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I love collabs, so I’m down. I’d be happy to write if you want to contribute illustrations.

But the purpose of the ranch is to be a setting for the community, not just for me.

Do you want to torture a herd that thinks it safe in it’s protected home? Boom, a flock of flesh-eating-quackers arrives to devour them. I can see a comic sequence of the fluffies arrive, they are told they are safe, they build a nest on the ranch and get food. Then they get fucked up by ducks just out of nowhere.

That would work, fair warning I’m a slow writer so I’m not sure how much I can participate.

Sure i could do that, i could tone it down if you do want more hugbox, but yea an orgy of death and birds in a field could work.

There’s no time expectations on this. I’m building a shared setting where we can create stuff, and then screw around with what everybody has created. Don’t feel a need to rush. Feel a need to have fun with a shared setting.

Once this is closer to ready, I’ll be putting some ‘rules’ in place for some consistency within the setting. Nothing major, just some functional stuff so the stories can fit. And it’s not like I’m going to tell somebody they can’t write stories or draw comics in the setting if they break a ‘rule’.

This settings is here for any kind of story telling. I write a lot of hugbox, but I don’t want to restrict what kind of content is in the setting.

If you want to go even simpler, you could do a story about the toughies that scare away birds. Normally, ducks will flee from the fields if the toughies make themselves look big and yell a lot. Until some specific ducks arrive. Then the ranch needs to promote new toughies. And teach them how to identify dangerous ducks.

I think that Stella from my “a stranger at your shelter” story would fit in here nicely.

She is a young woman that worked at an awful fluffy shelter and felt trapped there, lost sight of why she wanted the job in the first place and then rediscovered the reason why she wanted to get a fluffy related job, she wanted to care for them and get them good homes.

Since she thinks about switching jobs at the end, she would be perfekt for this role.

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If you don’t mind, I’d love to bring her in to the setting!

And the adoption center sounds perfect.

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It would be an honor.

I will also write/draw about this setting.

The entire idea sounds amazing to me since we are splitting work so no one is overwhelmed with a giant project while also being a fun way to interact and grow closer as a community.

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is this supposed to be a persistent setting or can a creator go wild and use the characters as he, she, it sees fit or are all the stories expected to uphold the status Quo


I’d like it to be persistent. I don’t want to tell people not to have fun, but if we want something shared, then there would have to be some kind of agreement

I would say try not to kill off the characters created by others. If you want to do something wild with a character, reach out to the creator.

I’d sort of look at a lot of the shared characters are tools to be used to enhance the stories told about original characters placed in the setting.

But I’m honestly curious about your thoughts. You’ve discussed the need for some actuals rules regarding “what is a fluffy”, and I think this is an opportunity to work within a confined setting. Granted, I want the confinements to be there for consistency, but not to choke creativity.

This would be a good place to bring back the old American Dream character Janice

After growing older and discovering what her dad has been doing with the fluffies she’d help him with, she decided to go on her own and try to make up for the damage she unwittingly caused with her dad. This farm seems like a nice enough place to do so. Especially having a soft spot for orphaned foals.