Nu be sad nu mowe by(that1hugboxer)

This is a continuation of Trust not your eyes by(that1hugboxer)

You are Odis.

As you lay next to daddeh you feel his hand gently stroke your head.

You wiggle around a little bit until you get into a position where you can suck on his thumb. You don’t understand why daddy hasn’t taken you for strolls around the neighborhood today but you are content just to be with him.

Daddeh looks at you with tired eyes and a weak gentle smile before shutting his eyes.

You hear mummah and gwandma talking outside the room

“And you are absolutely sure he said Femi?”

“Yes the moment he woke up he started yelling about someone named Femi and how she was going to kill Odis and the other fluffies.”

They chatter about things you don’t understand until finally mummah steps in the room.

Daddeh opens his eyes and attempts to sit up.

“I’m Sorry Lorna.”

Mummah looks at him confused.

“What on earth could have to be sorry for?”

“I’m sorry about this whole situation.
I worried you and the rest of our family. For The burden of having to take on my responsibilities until I get my shit together.”

Mummah smiles.

“For better or for worse .for rich or for poor. In sickness and in health.”

Daddeh smiles.

“Don’t you dare jinx this with that last line.”

Mummah lets out a snorty laugh before composing herself.

“I’ve been looking over the schedule you keep… as your soon to be wife I have come to the realization that you need help.”

Mummah points her finger at Daddeh

“But more importantly you need rest! As of this moment you are to spend the next 24 hours resting. During those 24 hours I will be splitting your responsibilities between myself, Štěpán, Yindi , Jessie and Bambam.

All of the strays that accumulate in your yard will be brought to my family farm ,camp Maureen or the fluffy sanctuary every day!

You I want you eating something other than liverwurst, potato pancakes and kvass! So my sisters and I decided that you will be payed for the fluffies you provide to both our farm and camp Maureen. “

Mummah kisses Daddeh on the forehead.

“Your days of carrying the world on your shoulders are over….”

After mummah leaves, you climb on Daddehs chest and drift off to sleep

You are woken up sometime later by Daddeh.

“Hey…. Little guy…it’s time for nummies ….”

“(Peep! Peep!) (coo) num-num-num”

Daddeh smiles.

Switch perspective you are Duncan.

“Oh my goodness ……you are just so precious.”
You spoon feed him some sweet potato baby food you keep in a mini fridge on your bedside table (after letting it reach room temperature of course)

He kicks his back hooves in joy as you feed him. Once done you place the spoon and empty jar in a ziplock bag to be taken to the kitchen at a later time.

Odis looks up at you with his big black eyes and buries his slobber soaked muzzle into your chest.

“Duncan your bride to be told you to rest. “

You turn to your mother.

“ Odis has a feeding schedule and it’s non negotiable.”

Your mom sighs.

“Ok I will let it slide, ONLY because it’s Odis.”

You smile.

“Thank you mom….I love you.”

You’r mom is caught off guard. And begins to tear up.

“I love you too, now get some rest.”

Your mom leaves the room.

You set the alarm for Odis’s next meal and drift back to sleep


Odis is more mobile than I knew.


He can wiggle, he can climb and he can snuggle.


So he’s got the necessary basics. That last one is critical. (I’m getting kitty snuggles right now. :sparkling_heart:)


He’s not spider man levels of climbing but he can more or less climb on the stomach of Duncan when he’s laying on his back

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How old would you say Stevie is?

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Depends when you want him. I wrote one story set when Jackie first got him, where he was about a month old. The eclipse story was probably three years later. As he grows up, his farts go from cute, to cute and potentially deadly.

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Hoagie wants to give him a pastrami sandwich. I just wanted to make sure he could eat it.

Also forgive me if I’m ignorant. Is his owner male or female? I read the story a couple times and I couldn’t tell

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Jackie’s a woman. She’s Jewish, has a HUGE crush on Stevie Nicks, and got Stevie Fartbox from a friend of a friend, whose mare snuck out and got pregnant.

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NP! And, yes Stevie will happily eat a pastrami sandwich. Just be prepared for blowback.

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Bold of you to assume that Duncan the man who’s changed thousands of SBS diapers would be phased by pastrami farts.

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Fair point. Jessie, OTOH…

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