Nu wike chaof nu mo! (by: artist-kun)

12544 - artist_artist-kun chaos fluffmarine questionable warhammer


‘‘Fowevvah-sweepies tu da fawse Impewow!’’


I’m not familiar with the missing context


he started worshiping one of the gods of chaos from Warhammer 40K, and now he regrets that decision.


So worshipping Chaos is an interesting proposition. Good and Order is doomed and frail, but Chaos is a balancing act where you have to constantly not displease the Chaos Gods or you’ll be transformed into a mindless monster as punishment and have your soul eaten, or please them too much or they’ll give you too many gifts at once and it’ll overload your body and soul until you become an almost mindless monster. Although a mindless mobster that still gets treated somewhat okay and may get an afterlife reward. Balancing is hard, because indulging in the excesses of your god and constantly being in battle are likely things.

Gifts take the form of blessings specific to your god. All may make you stronger or smarter, but usually you get something like additional eyes and functional wings, skin that is literally metal and lava blood, tentacles and beauty so magnificent that even robots will start to worship you, or instantly regenerating wounds and a swollen gut with a new orifice that is constantly birthing small versions of you that will obey your commands when not being annoying.

The difference between an overblessed monster, a failure monster, and a champion who is juggling gifts like a pro is sometimes hard to tell.

Beautiful Poopie is starting to get the stranger kinds of gifts. Like hermaphrodism, additional faces, more breasts, suction cups, and so on.

Presumabky it was happy with the three horns until it got a brother that is probably an androgynous demon sharing his body. Although, if he gets over it he can be happy in the long run; Styrkaar is a guy possessed by a sexy succubus that decided to be Rocky Horror Picture Show; the warband, and Syl’eske is a giant swoll man and a tiny acrobat demon who became so close they now just have one name, and one fused soul in two bodies.


Ok here’s a real question
How much psychic potential fluffies have, and will they be a suitable sacrifice for the emperor?


Depends on how much GW wants to push minis of them.

But its a multiverse and the Chais Gods treat many differently, so somewhere there is a universe where they are powerful psykers.

will they be a suitable sacrifice for the emperor?

No, but that never stopped the Imperium before.

Girlyman just has to sign the paperwork. Put it on an Eldar’s lower back, he’ll see it eventually.


I’m sorry I asked…


Is that warp spawn supposed to be based off of a Slaaneshi worshiping chaos marine (if that’s the case then it’s probably Emperor’s Children), any way about it though…



boo boo juice for the boo boo juice god