Nyu Dwawin' Tabwet?

I’m looking for a drawing tablet. Cost is the deciding factor, I really dont care how awful it is. If I have to draw one more thing with a mouse I’m going to go nuts. Do you guys have any recommendations?


Huion H420 is the cheapest pen tablet available
It’s small but good enough to start (drawing surface is 4 x 2 inches) it was originally designed to digital signature, but works perfect for drawing,.

There are lots of reviews if you’re interested in a drawing tablet for starters

I use a Kamvas 13 by huion
the quality is amazing

If its purely for the occasional fluffy content, the $20-$30 dollar ones will get the job done. (dont ask how I know lol). Preferably a 6x4 one

I use a Wacom Intuos Art. I paid $120 for it back in 2016,but you can get them for about $40 now. Definitely worth it,it’s super sturdy,I’ve dropped mine at least 50 times.
Absolutely 0 technical problems with it and I’ve been using it for almost seven years.