OctubrENF #21 (Artist:Osaka)


Der Golem
A series of silent movies thats’ nearly 100 years old.

I believe some of them are lost.


So did the fluffy deserve it, did the Golem go berserk, or both?

Der golem stepped in fluffy shit and is strangling the perp.

It’s a trick question, fluffies always deserve it!

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Thats just fluffy 101, fluffies always deserve a beating.


How about a nice, Jewish Monster? It wouldn’t hurt. Also, call your mother. She worries.

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yee golly, good reference!

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LMAO no sé porque de lejos me pareció Bruno Bucciarati x’DDDD

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Nope, I haven’t seen this movie yet
But I really like all the golem things


It’s so old its PD.
You can probably find it on the archive.


The series is a bit of a mess, at least one of the movies is lost and one is a remake.

Edit : The original Der Golem from 1915 is partially lost only 60 min or so remain.
The Golem and the dancing girl ( 1917 ) is totally lost.
The Golem how he came in to the world ( 1920 ) is the only one that still exists fully and is the most well known.
It is also a prequel.

Think i linked two different versions of that one at different quality and speed.
Silent films generally run at 16FPS.


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Ayo, you can put videos without having to put a link to youtube now???

No. those are The Internet Archive links.

They host a lot of …stuff.

Shit, K