Odd Todd (Poopiest_of_bebbehs)

Silly story, as requested by @Julie for a laugh.

Like most fluffies that come into this world, Todd was welcomed with soft cooing, warm fluff against his skin and the sweet, creamy and alabaster nectar that was his mother’s warm milk. Interestingly however, Todd never quite grew out of his taste for milk, unlike his siblings who all eventually opened their eyes, just like he did, began walking around and talking, like he did and grew into adults, just as he did. Where the great difference came about was that they would also move on to solid foods and put the memory of milk behind them as simply something of the past, just a benchmark of their foalhood, now forgotten.

Todd was an interesting fluffy. His fluff was almost skin coloured, a peachy shade, save for his curly mane and tail that were both a strong and vibrant orange. His face also played host to tiny brown freckles across his puffy cheeks and for some bizarre reason, his tongue always hung out of his mouth.

At first, Todd’s owner, Charles, was very concerned that he may have had sensitive baby syndrome during the very early stages of his life, but that fear was soon set aside as Todd opened his eyes and behaved just as any other fluffy would, just a tad later than predicted. But regardless of milestones or being gifted with the standard fluffy intelligence, he could never leave the milk behind and even his kibble would have to be softened with it, lest he not eat at all.

A very interesting trait of Todd’s was that he had very little interests at all in spaghetti sauce, his only liquid of choice to go on his noodles was sweet and beautiful milk. Then one day his owner had elected to cut him off from the fatty cream entirely, as he was getting a tad too fat, even for a fluffy. That first night was one of screaming and tantrums, sorry sticks and time outs in the sorry box, but over time he got over it as he entered stallionhood, soon even milk was behind him and for a brief moment, he was like his peers in terms of basic interests, although he did have a fondness for crayons.

His interests shifted somewhat as he took his first brave steps into sexual maturity and it all began with the help of a friend. Todd had a playmate with whom he had enjoyed the pleasant company of, who had been visiting him almost every single weekend since they were foals, her name was Bubbles.

She had entered her sexual maturity a week ago and had babies on the brain. It did not take very long for Bubbles to suggest a pairing between the two of them as soon as they were left alone to play in the safe room, while their owners, Marcus and Charles had their group Orcs & Elves night in the living room.

“com on, Todd! Gib speshew huggies!” she giggled as she waved her rump and pre moistened slit in his face.

Todd did as he was asked and mounted Bubbles without a thought, yet as he positioned the tip for entry he could not help but notice that he couldn’t maintain or even really begin an erection.

“wat am wong?” Bubbles asked, “du Todd thinkie dat Bubbwes nu am pweety?” she teased.

But that wasn’t true, Bubbles had been Todd’s foalhood crush for the longest time, he addored her, loved her even, but for the life of him he could just not get his pin sized pecker to stand up.

“huuhuuhuuhuuu!, dummeh nu-nu stickie am bein da biggest meanie…” he sobbed as he dismounted and backed away in shame.

As he took a few steps back, he noticed them, two gigantic, sagging sacks of flesh that hung from the mare’s lower abdomen. His eyes were transfixed on them as they lightly wagged and heaved with Bubbles’ rhythmic breathing.

It was as if his body was completely possessed, without his consent his hoof reached forward and ever so lightly touched it.

“hehehehee, dat tickwes!” Bubbles snorted.

He pressed his hoof into it again and found that it felt soft and reassuring, like an old friend’s hug from a life once had.

He didn’t stop to think or question what he was feeling , he just wanted them. With his little todger now standing to full attention he mounted the mare once again and put his tally whacker in place as he aimed his genitals squarely between her teats.

“ummm, dat nu am speshew pwace… wat am doin?” Bubbles asked.

“nu kno, bu am gud feew! wan miwkie pwace!” he huffed between light “enf”-s.

From the traditional angle he just couldn’t quite get stuck in the way he wanted and so without consulting his partner, Todd tripped the mare up, flipped her on her back and aimed his weenie squarely between her mountainous mammaries.

“enfenfenfenfenfenfenfenf!” the little goober smiled with satisfaction as the climax quickly approached.

“dis am weiwd…” bubbles huffed lightly with a tone of displeasure.

Despite the climax already having passed him by, the little milky mad stallion kept going, continually staining the pampered mare’s blue belly fluff.

“ewww, gwoss! Git offies ob Bubbwes!” she said after throwing him off and laying on a few sorry hoofsies.

Eventually Marcus and Charles came to check on their fluffies and to their shock they found Todd acting in a whole new line of character. In the corner of the safehouse they found Bubbles, keeping Todd at leg’s length as he begged and foamed in a haze for more “miwkie enfies”. Bubbles’ teats were worn red and sore, her nipples had been lightly gnawed upon and tooth marks littered her mammaries.

Charles wasted not a second as he plucked the little pervert off of his friend’s mare and put him directly into the sorry box, he would have given him a right royal sorry sticking to-boot if it wasn’t for the fact that they were in Marcus’ house and when you’re in Marcus’ house, hugbox is the law.

“are you ok, Bubbles!” Marcus asked as he picked up his pet.

“dems wus wowstest speshew huggies ebah!” she huffed.

“he didn’t rape you, did he? You can tell me!” her owner panicked.

“nuh-uh!” Bubbles clarified as she shook her fluffy little head, “himb am dummeh… nu eben use nu-nu stickie wite!” she exhaled with audible frustration.

Marcus and Charles had elected to take Bubbles to come join Zara’s fluffy, Erwin, in the living room, leaving a very confused Todd to sit in the sorry box alone and contemplate what he possibly could have done wrong.

The little guy was absolutely flummoxed, what he was doing felt good, it felt really good, in fact it felt better than anything else he’d ever felt in his life… yet somehow it was wrong? Truly this was some sort of mad riddle that he would have to solve with more practice.

Bubbles stopped visiting as often once she got pregnant to a stud of her choosing a week later, leaving Todd to explore his creative outlets. At first Charles was just under the assumption that Todd was simply very interested in drawing a very abstract interpretation of birds mid-flight, but little did he know that little Todd was a bit more odd than that and his interest were more risque.

“so… umm, you like birds, huh?” he asked as he stared into one of the countless works of art that Todd had begged him to tape to the wall.

“Todd wub bewbs!” his pet nodded gleefully, mishearing the question, focused more on his obsessive drawing.

“wait, did you say birds… or… boobs?” his owner questioned.

Todd sat himself up, looked up to his owner and wiggled his eyebrows cheekly, “…yus…” he answered with a crayon still between his teeth.


-the end?-

If you would like to know what happened to Bubbles afterwards then you can find her story here.



Something about ur fluffies makes my foot tingle. I just wanna stomp em :smiling_imp:


Then I have succeeded! Huzzah!


oh gosh this is funny, i dont think a fluffy would know the word Boobs but it fits with the punchline so i’ll let it slide :ahahaha:


I just assumed that he had learnt the word somewhere. But regardless, he’s definitely an odd one. I can see him being quite the handful at a daycare.


oh yes, i can 100% see him causing lots of trouble


If you’re a well endowed mare and you see this guy wiggling his eyebrows at you from across the saferoom… run.


images - 2024-08-10T083114.257


Unironically I was thinking about that episode while I was writing this, Todd even looks like Scott Malkinson.


I thought that might be a possibility, but NGL, did not see Scott until you said it~ That’s even funnier! (As long as he doesn’t have Juvenile Onset Diabetes, that would be sad)


Well, there is a lot of sugar in fluffy mare’s milk, so… Y’know… :shrug:


Definite possibility ~
*sigh… Oh Todd, little kink-shamed weirdo

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Fluffies having kinks is funny, tbh.


One of the funniest traits that some fluffies have is obsession. I love it when they hyper fixate on something to the point where it becomes a core tenant of their personality.