Off the Pacific Coast (by recreationalsadist)

The Pacific Ocean, one of the many bodies of water to contain seafluffies.

A herd of seafluffies was playing and hugging each other on the water’s surface.

They were too afraid of the dark to go deeper and liked the feeling of the warm sun.

One seafluffy was splashing around, so focused on swimming fast that he didn’t notice a splash followed by a sudden yelp as one of his fellow seafluffies vanished beneath the surface of the water, followed by a bloom of red blood.

The splashes got more and more frequent until the seafluffy finally noticed.

“Hewwo? Whewe am fwiends? Wan pway?”

The fluffy swam around in a circle, looking for his herd.

“Wai fwiends weabe? Am gud fwuffy! Pwease nu gu!”

He was so caught up in his panic that he didn’t notice the sombrero rising up behind him.

By the time the fluffy turned around it was far too late. All he could do was scream.