Officer Fuzz - FluffySurfer

I made this for my big bro’s story he’s writing. There is a character named Officer/Ranger Fuzz and I thought he was hilarious/awesome so here is a drawing of him. I know my art is bad but I thought it came out ok, lol.

I included a link to my bro’s patreon acct. If you like my work or want commissions just donate a dollar and i’ll draw something for you!

I also want to say thank you to everyone who has liked and commented on my posts so far. You have all made me feel very welcome, and I really appreciate it. I expected to be made fun of but instead I got tons of positive responses. Thanks again! :slight_smile:

Source: Into the Rockies - Chapter 1 - By BloodyBoots


I like the idea of working fluffies. It makes sense that fluffies would be helpful for law enforcement because unlike dogs they can speak.