Oh Cringe? I made a Yandere Cannibal Alicorn (federalchemical1728)

okay so i had this story idea about a yandere cannibal alicorn picking off a feral herd one by one until it’s just his obsession left

idk how to talk abt my ideas without EVERYTHING being a spoiler, but honestly my twists are probably pretty easy to see coming so im not even really sure it matters :shrug: im just gonna combine both of my ideas fuck it

THAT means i need 2 Whole-Ass Herds of disposable fluffies, so if you’ve got any lying around that you’d like to see featured (and dying) in a story Get At Me Pls
(so far i’ve got 1 smarty, 1 toughie, 3 mares, & 3 foals)

  • How did they end up in this herd? (born into it, ran away from home, abandoned, etc)
  • What is their personality like? (what role in the herd would they take on?)
  • How do you want them to die? (one herd lives in the woods & the other gets trapped in a suburban backyard)

you can specify as many or as few details as you want. the fewer you give me, the more i’ll just pull out of my ass make up on my own

((also if you just have ways you wanna see fluffies die in the woods i could totally do those too :heart: ))


NiceIy edged. :slight_smile:


Owner reminds me of Freddy Mercury
…what? You seen the cover of Sheer Heart Attack ?



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Since you said you were undecided: I’d probably say to go with a feral? Not because it’s scarier, but because there’s more room for nuance and depth. What would drive a fluffy to get that murderously obsessed? Not being able to fall back on the generic answer of “a human made it happen for their own amusement” makes for more interesting storytelling, both in the emotion and tactics departments. Bonus points for writing from Snowy’s point of view so the horror is from it trying to find safety or tell people what’s going on.

Then maybe as a sequel the human can find Unhinged McGee and adopt 'em to deal with their own feral problem, thinking it’s a regular murder fluff or something, but Unhinged won’t do anything cuz it already has Snowy, so they have to steal and drop Snowy into the new herd as a “kidnapping”.

At least, that’s how I’d do it. Yanderes are neat though, so I look forward to whatever you write!


It’s dumb and terrible and I LOVE IT

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i have A Brand & i have it for A Reason
(the reason is that i love it :heart:)


“Cringe” is just another word for silly and being silly is fun UwU

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thank you for your in-depth analysis!

i was thinking along those same lines actually!

ive figured out how i want to connect the 2 parts of the story, now its more a question of filling in the details of each fluffy & their death in both herds. HENCE why i’m asking for other ppl’s fluffies that they dont mind seeing die bc otherwise i have to design like 16 fluffies all by myself again & i nearly died doing the pillowfluff adopts :skull:

this way not only can i save myself the horrendous burnout, but i can involve other cool ppl in my creative process & write cool plot-essential cameos of their characters

it may actually be easier if i post the fluffies ive already made so far…

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