I thought I’d would do something cute and innocent for once.
This is Eclair and her overly enthusiastic husband Brioche (yes, they are legit married because it’s silly and cute).
They are both owned by an Italian baker who specialises in bread fluffs.
oh this is adorable! i love it so much! the little baker making his little bread, and the shocked look on his little wife, so cute! <3 <3
Look at em go! He’s the walking definition of “If you do what you love then you never work a day in your life”.
I had the idea for the silly apron first and then everything just came together. I feel pretty happy with this one.
I thought he’d be going to town on a slipper
Now now Ace, there is always room for a sequel.
Damn you, This is both cute and funny
Not everyone has a degenerate mind Ace
Thank you very much for the kind words! As a treat, here is what happens if you swap Brioche’s flour with cocaine.
Cocaine a hell of a drug
(post deleted by author)
Patty enf patty enf bakers~ man
That’s what he sings during speshew huggies.
Real Baking Hours
Lmfaoooo, this made my day! Thank you!
that breadfluff has seen some shit
You got me on the first half
But love the reveal scene, its adorable
I was so sure he was going to be ended or smthing
Now this is crazy cuuuute!!