Oh the humanities [by fwaffynuteww]

A case of textbook abuse.

Least useful courses ever taught. Used as an indoctrination tool.


The texture on that shit looks so much like the brownies I just ate. Please I can’t.



… it will soon take its rage out onto the abomination it created and is now crapping all over its history. :smiling_imp:


dropping brownie bricks


Thanks, I don’t know if I love or hate it.

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Jokes you on fluffy, World history is already filled with shit!



Im pretty confident I know what that fluffy thinks about critical race theory.

aw poor little college student cant handle reality

I am in a very tough spot man. Bring me the history to read (a clean copy of cours) and one of each of these brownies to eat.

Haven’t been in school for 20+ years, but history classes were always useless trash. I learned useful history from reading non-textbooks, learn what people fucked up doing wrong and not do it yourself… too bad those “in power” repeat the same crap, such as the pullout from Kabul exactly mirroring Saigon.
I actually use math, especially geometry and trigonometry, physics, chemistry, english, what I learned in art classes… history is just there to employ subhumans who managed to earn Teaching Certificates.

“Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.” That fluffy clearly hasn’t learned what has happened to all the fluffies who have made bad poopies before it.

From the “For bad fluffies” series of educational and instructional books; “An Illustrated History of Fluffy Ponies”. Moral tales for use in disciplining your fluffy pony.