When I get home, I’ll repost my series on a fluffy pony butcher and how he makes “weggie subs.” Hint: it involves a superheated deli slicer.
IMHC you can fry foal the way you fry chicken. The flavor is different (foal tastes like veal). Foal legs, foal steak, foal belly and foal ribs are all prepared this way. KFFC, Church’s, Popeye’s and Los Caballitos Hermanos all prepare foal this way. Chik-Fil-A rebranded to Fluf-Fil-A and now does chicken fried foal steak sandwiches exclusively.
Chirpy micros inside lollipops like the ones with scorpions.
Micro foals candied like jelly beans
Micro foals fried whole, like popcorn chicken
Chex mix but with chirpy micros for that nice crunch
Weggies a la mode
I’m not sure what it’s called but I remember seeing a recipe where they took a whole goat head and cut it in half, put seasonings in it, put the halves together and then baked it.
As promised, Filet of Fluffy
Live sashimi. Look up live frog sashimi if you dare
Fluff Tartare, Fluffy haggis, curried fluffy brains straight from the skull.
Okay hear me out here because this one’s pretty fucked up and out there;
Raw foals.
Yes. RAW.
They might give you food poisoning, but its worth it.
Just grab one from the street for a quick snack!
Fluffy Lasagna
General Tso Fluffy
Weggie Roast
Fluffy Tenderloin
Fluffy Conrronez
Fluffy lou mien
Fluffy Ice cream (make with fluffy milk)
Fluffy Surf and Turf (Seafluffy and regular fluffy combo)
Foal Stuffed Mammah
Foal Omelet
Foal and Gnocchi Soup
Sweet and Sour Foals
Fluffy and Foal Habachi
Buttered Fluffy and Bacon Burger