ok this is non canon but you know they could cure death or something if they worked togheter!
but yeah fixer is a college dropout cause he found his true calling with fluffy medicine instead of human medicine
idea: robot legs made out of bandaids
you know i was actually thinking about if Fixer was taught at some point by a different professor, perhaps in biomedical engineering
but yes bandaids cure all dont you know that?
(which professor? im not sure how many are there in the community lol)
But yeah i can see he learned his other skills outside of college with other teachers. Good thing surgery on fluffys dont require a license
Bandaids fix everything. If they don’t work, get more bandaids. If it still doesn’t work, you just need more bandaids. Infinite bandaids are the key to prosperity, fuck infinite energy. Actually, infinite bandaids = infinite energy. See? Bandaids really do solve everything.
Lies!!! I’m sure the professor also endorses hugs.
Mine lol
Prof is about 32
oh lol yeah it would fit on to how they know eachother
@Oculusfluffy you need to see this!
Oh come on, there’s plenty of respectable doctors and professors that do work with fluffies he could have learned from!
Just like Doctor Josef Mong-
…uhh, never mind, not that one…
Taken from here.
i love how he says that with a smile xD
I’m sure Dr. Cathy can take the fixer under her wing, because robot legs.
Ah, this explains everything!
This was quite the surprise to see today! Its always good to see more of Crazystein. Thanks @Booperino and thanks to @Chikahiro for mentioning this!
Oh, he could learn a LOT from Josef. But he’d have to reimagine it for his own use