Idc about slurs, I just don’t think we should be fostering a community where real world hate is acceptable. More and more people will start putting alt-right shit it as it becomes the new “edgy” thing to do, and then actual believers in those ideologies will start popping up on the site.
This isn’t about “getting offended on others behalf” or “thinking of the children”, I just don’t want this site becoming infested with unironic groypers who think making the same joke about trans people killing themselves over and over again is the peak of comedy. It’s obnoxious and annoying.
I said this before, but look at a site like soyjak party. Do you want this site turning into that kind of shitty cesspool?
Said it better than I ever could
Those people “who actually believe this shit” you all been talking about poses a threat only if they become a majority on the mod team. In any other scenario they can be kicked out with a snap of a finger
The debate wasn’t about motherfucking censorship. If you had any common sense, you’d understand that. Honestly, I’m not sure you’re intelligent or self aware enough to be part of this community if you can’t understand the difference between satire and direct attack.
A motherfucking retarded, handicapped, beached whale of a kike who knows the difference between laughing with and laughing at
OP managed to post the most cringe post on this site in a year when we had a “school shooter manifesto” inspired story. That takes effort
Well, if they do all that and make good fluffy content, we should take them!
If they don’t make good fluffy content, then they have no place here.
Bro, a skilled writer can make the reader laugh, cry and… yes, cringe.
Sure lets be creative:
Imagine you have available an ap that will automatically change every slur you see to whatever it really means: Jewish, Hispanic, Black etc. (it can even change “cock-gobbling retarded catamite” to “rampaging foal”!) for you so that you never have to read another slur in your life, but it makes no change to what anyone else sees unless they use it also.
Would you approve of that ap and use it?
The difference being that skilled writers do it on purpose
Yet make it look effortless and accidental
In this case i will consider your opinion as fiction, you fake bastard
This is really embarrassing for you, sorry to say.
Is there any other way to take it???
Holy shit!
You are taking this seriously enough to make sock-puppets!?
? Lineno isn’t my sock puppet, dumbass. And if it was, would I really give it awau by saying the same thing twice? Fucking lmao
To be fair, I thought for a moment it was a story, it was so long.
Do you genuinely believe people can’t draw similar conclusions? Because this entire thread is painfully embarrassing on your part.
Not here to argue, just stating a fact; There’s a difference between freedom of speech, and being a jerk for the sake of being a jerk.
If you don’t need to say slurs or aren’t part of the group the slur’s targeted towards, just don’t say it. It’s not that hard. You’re not going to die because you had to stop using a few words and making hateful caricatures.
There’s more to fluffies (And way more to life) than ways to pick on minorities. Devoting your entire existence to punching down is sad. End-of.
You’ve been holding back this whole time… because you think racist insults are boring? THAT’S your hot take on the issue?? Lmao
It’s a more common opinion than you’d think. Some of us just find it really dull due to how often it’s repeated, like a joke that gets less and less amusing due to oversaturation.