On the "Cultural Sensitivity Training" proposed by Goomy...

So I have been away for a bit and I just saw the Community Post by Goomy here.

After retrieving my eyeballs from how far back into my cranium they rolled, I began to peruse the comments and was filled with an all consuming cynical scoff… Of course! the generation raised by “Will someone please think of the children!?” would be so readily offended on another’s behalf!

So many comments reading “Well, gee, I can handle it, but but but but but… what if someone else can’t!!!??”

For FUCK’S sake!

You know why it is so satisfying and cathartic to see Fluffies suffer the ill-fates that befall them? Because they are the perfect caricature representation of the idiotic, self-righteous, entitled, spoiled, naive, needy, impotent, weak, frightened ,self-serving pieces of shit we all see and deal with in the real world and wish we did not have to.

A fucking Fluffy would say “Wacial swurs am bad fow babbehs!”

The Fluffy would say this because the Fluffy expects to be catered to by everyone, the Fluffy cannot conceive to take action on its own behalf such as blocking, muting or simply NOT READING content it does not like!

No, a Fluffy expects the entire world and everything in it to bend to its will in order to provide the Fluffy all the happiness and comfort it feels it deserves!

And, of course, that Fluffy is surrounded by dysgenic, retarded hugboxing faggots who will champion its cause and call for anything that might conceivably trouble the Fluffy to be banned.

Oh! Someone please think of the Fluffies!!"

This community is about FREE EXPRESSION.

Free expression to draw and write the most sick, depraved, fucked-to-hell depictions of cute little cartoon animals being raped, tortured, gaslit, starved, dismembered, and sometimes even loved.

(The kind of shit most of us would be ostracized and maybe even involuntarily committed were others who do not understand it to ever see it.)

And, yet, here are many of the members worried that “what if the words that don’t bother me offend someone else!?”

Fuck that!

But FREE EXPRESSION is not a compromise. FREE EXPRESSION also, by its nature, is not for everyone, because many are not actually intellectually capable of handling it!

Limited Expression is the choice of the limited mind, the great many, the mediocre and the weak, those who worry about offending, being offended or others being offended, like those who advocate it here.

FREE EXPRESSION, however, is the choice of the adult, those who realize that they have the agency to read or not read whatever they wish, and that it is NOT up to them what other people say to anyone else, or choose to read. For FREE EXPRESSION, one must steel themselves to the fact that sometimes they will say or read or be exposed to things that hurt their feelings or maybe will hurt the feelings of that imaginary “someone else” and they must be mentally sound enough to realize it does not matter.


No censorship of slurs, cureses, or anything else here. Have the fucking balls to tell those that whine about it to consider growing a pair themselves… or else to fuck off to the rest of the internet where their pussy-assed, retarded little feelings don’t have to risk being hurt by pictures of cartoon ponies or the text underneath.




ain’t reading all that


Note: As one might have noticed, I used rather foul language in that post which I do not generally use in any of my other communications on here, and that is specifically the point I was intending to illustrate: the freedom to use such language should be non-negotiable, but it does not mean that one who supports it is always going to speak that way. Those who do not like to read or write that way do not have to, but they have NO RIGHT to tell others what to do.

TL:DR: People who say we should not be allowed to say or read the word “nigger” are as dumb and useless as Fluffies.


your inability to replace nigger with a better suited insult is a problem of your lackluster vocabulary, not mine


Using that word is the entire point. It is just letters on a screen, only a pathetic simpleton would feel offended at the sight of them.


Generally agree

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i mostly stayed out from that debate and haven’t provided an actual opinion on the matter, but maybe i do want to say something about it. Not me the admin, just me. Racial slurs are fucking useless. There are a million ways to roast someone, and you are hailing the most boring way to do it like it’s the most important thing since speach was invented (probably because your 4chan lobotomized ass can’t string a coherent insult without them anymore). Are you saying it because you can say it? Sounds like a waste of space on our server’s hardrive to me. I don’t feel offended when you say nigger. I just genuinely believe that the word is absolutly useless, and you better put some brainpower into saying something actually offensive instead of wasting time typing it


Same, it’s just meaninglessly edgy to me, you’ll get a more visceral reaction by just saying “Dummeh”.


Never said I disagree with you on that. I disagree with telling people they are not allowed to say it.

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What a surprise, Baron Trump has normal opinions.

This isn’t a government entity. No one is infringing on your rights.


Sure, but the debate was not over the use of the word “dummeh”, was it?

However, the slippery slope is not a fallacy… if one were to cater to those who wish to censor the more vulgar words, it is obly a matter of time before someone is offended by the word “dummeh” and insists that be banned as well.

I say zero tolerance to censorship.

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I say yes to self censorship. If you don’t need to say it, don’t say it


For the record, your response and others are exactly the correct responses!

Call the person out, shun them, mock them if you wish! Or ignore or block them.

All valid.

Censorship is not an answer, nor is it in the public good, it promotes only ignorance. Free speech should be met with free speech, as it was here.

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“Censorship” and it’s being told you can’t be racist


The problem wasn’t the use of racist language

The problem was whether content allowed on the site straddled between edgy humour and straight up offensive stereotypes.

If there’s a narrative reason to use bigoted language then don’t hold back but don’t make racism the punchline to a bad joke


The debate was on “slurs”.

“Retard” is considered one now… what race is a retard? As one, surely you can answer…


Nice one. Got anymore shitty responses in your roster? C’mon, be creative for once in your damn life. Having to rely on slurs is fucking pitiful, you 4-chan roach.


Roach is a slur, try to refrain from using those m’kay


Say “don’t say nigger, faggot” that’s fine. Purposefully deleting and silencing over the nigger word is not fine.