On the door step. (by: artist-kun)

10893 - artist_artist-kun fence garden pegasus safe


Oh no :c it’s tagged as “safe” …
removes his boots
“Hello :v It’s for what ?”

Safe means that there is nothing bad just yet, so do whatever you want


I always thought it was to tag things which are supposed to be a “safe place” or something like that :v
“So in that case, don’t move cutie, you’re perfectly where you are supposed to be. puts boots on
-Wha ?? Naice mistah nyu Daddeh ? :D”
and then its red blood starts to peacefuly stained the concrete while, the other visitor, is too shock to yell yet

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As far as I understood, on the booru it was a tag that was automatically given to everything unless you disabled it. No one knows the exact purpose of it, so I came up with my own meaning

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Safety is fleeting. Live the dream while you can.

Earth and wind.

You may have a home if you bring me a fire and water.