Online Special Friend (Ace)

“Wub nyu toysie! Dank yew mummah!” These words came from a very excited stallion named Tubby, so cleverly titled because he was a rotund olive green lunk that had been overweight ever since he was a foal. He was a spoiled fluffy but not a bad one: He always made good poopies, never begged, and tried not to be annoying. His loving mummah smiled down to him.

“I’m glad. I hope you make lots of good friends.” Mummah patted Tubby on the top of his fat head before moving out of the safe room, letting him enjoy his new toy. It was a tablet! Hasbio made several different electronics for fluffies and to make the most profit, often made them for narrow purposes. This was the Fun Talk Tablet. A pink tablet with bulky purple buttons where fluffies were randomly matched with others to babble at one another. If they liked a certain video partner, they could slap a heart button with their hoof to be matched with that fluffy again in the future.

At first Tubby couldn’t really find many fluffies to speak with. The first time he connected was to the view of a ceiling with the sound of fluffies playing and giggling in the background. Next was a belligerent stallion flashing his special lumps at the camera and poking his no-no stick around while demanding mares give him what he wanted. Tubby squealed ‘NU AM MAWE!’ before pressing the button for the next call, being connected finally to a partner who appeared normal.

It was a mare. She had soft blue fur with a poofy white mane and tail. The saferoom she was in wasn’t as nice as his: It was clear that it was much smaller and the toys/furniture in it were older albeit well loved. Giving a shy smile, the rotund stallion waved a hoof at the screen.

“Hewwo! Am Tubbeh!” He was embarrassed at his name. The other fluffies made fun of him for being so fat at daycare but the mare just waved back in response and gave a far more confident smile.

“Am Woxie!” Roxie chirped out at him, disappearing from the camera view for a moment to rummage around at the side of the room. Tubby pinned his ears down thinking she’d left before she reappeared with a stuffed unicorn toy. She placed it next to the camera and pointed a hoof at it. “Dis am favowitest toysie! Su fun!” Tubby nodded a bit. It was a very pretty unicorn toy!

“Woaw! Woxie, dat am su pwetty! Wan see Tubbeh bestest toysie tu!?” He asked, chubby cheeks puffing out a bit. She nodded and he wandered off to get a bulky big plastic dumptruck that he liked pushing around while making car sounds. Wheeling it into frame, Roxie gave a giddy giggle.

“Vwoomy! Wan see dancies?” Roxie asked and after Tubby confirmed he did in fact want to see she got on her back hooves and bobbed her front hooves around in a cheerful dance. This caused the stallion to giggle, the two soon breaking into a discussion of all their favorite things. How long? Perhaps half an hour of non-stop babbling, which was like an eternity for a fluffy. Sooner than later, Tubby could hear his mummah calling him into the kitchen for skettis. This made him super excited! But also a little sad because he’d be leaving Roxie.

“Woxie am nyu fwend?” He inquired, pushing down on the little heart button that would add her to his contact. Agreeing that they were new friends, she pressed her own button and they both gave their tiny screens a biiiiiig hug. After disconnecting from the call, Tubby ran into the kitchen so quickly that he nearly sent his big ‘ol body careening into the sink cabinet.

“Mummah! Mummah!” He told his kindly young owner, almost too excited to even notice the pet bowl full of skettis place on the linoleum. “Tubbeh am meet bestest nyu fwend Woxie! She am su gud fwend!”

Bea smiled. Her chubby little bud was already getting a lot of worth out of his new toy and making new friends. It was so sweet!

“That’s nice, Tubby. Don’t let your skettis get cold, okay?” The fluffy gave an oafish smile before shoving his face down in the food and sloppily slurping it up. He had a lot to look forward to tomorrow!


The next day he was up bright and early and immediately waddled over to his Fun Talk Tablet. Pressing the heart button that would let him connect to Roxie if she was on, he waited a few moments before she appeared on screen.

“Hewwo! Woxie, it am Tubbeh!” Waggling his tail excitedly, Roxie was obviously just as delighted to see him.

“Hewwo Tubbeh. Woxie am ‘nee be quiet…daddeh am sweepin’.” She spoke to him in a soft voice but he hung onto every word regardless.

“Wan watch Fwuff teebee?” Grabbing the corner of the device, he brought it close to his teebee so she could see what was on. It was a rerun of Cinnamummah’s Happy Babbehs, and they both watched what was going on. In this episode, the titular main character was chastising the villain of the story, Bad Mummah, for taking a toy away from the poor babbehs. It ended with the actor in a fluffy costume being ‘dragged’ down to the floor and shit on, which was the usual end to most plotlines.

“Wuuuuuuub Cinnymummah! Teehee! WUB!” Roxie thumped her front hooves together excitedly after Tubby had turned the screen to face away from the teebee and toward him once more. The mare did an excited spin and jump. “Woxie wan be mummah tu! Tubbeh wan be speciaw fwend?”

The Tubster™ was absolutely gobsmacked. Someone wanted to be HIS special friend? Looking down to the colorfully carpeted floor, the stallion bashfully scraped a hoof against the ground and gave several shy flicks of his ears.

“Yew wike Tubbeh su muchsies? Woxie am su pwetty…” He didn’t really think so highly of himself. “YIS! Yew am bestest vewy speciawest fwend!” To prove how much he liked her, he leaned in and licked the screen where her cheek was. Good kissies for his new special friend!

Just then though there was a commotion on Roxie’s end. Tubby could hear yelling in the distance and the mare snapped to attention, the call immediately ending. He stood there looking at the disconnect screen and immediately felt a little sad. Where had she gone? Continuing to press the heart button, she didn’t answer him.

“Wub Woxie.” Tubby said with a bit of a pout. If she wasn’t going to answer his call, he’d go and play for awhile. That didn’t really help because she didn’t answer for the rest of the day. At dinner time Bea noticed that he didn’t really go ballistic with his skettis like usual. Even though they’d just met, it was clear he really cared for his new friend.

“It’s OK, Tubs. She’s just having fun elsewhere. You don’t need all of her attention.” The fluffy had been talking about her all day so she knew all about the situation. Tubby looked up from his skettis, sauce smeared on his face.

“Otay…Tubbeh am wait ‘fo Woxie.”

Even after dinner, she still wasn’t answering. Laying on his comfortable bed and giving a small ‘huu’, he wondered why not.


The next day the first thing he did was rush over to the Fun Talk Tablet. Hoof pressing down on the heart button, he got a rush of excitement to see that it was connecting. He’d get to see Roxie! Once the crappy piece of tech had taken forever to load in with several times, he saw his special friend at long last. She was different though. One of her see-places was shut and swollen, and her mane was all patchy. Tubby was immediately concerned.

“Woxie…wat am wong? Yew hab huwties! Huwty-owwies!” Should he tell mummah? Maybe mummah could help: She helped him with all of his booboos. Roxie just gave a smile, shaking her head.

“Woxie feww down. Dummeh Woxie. Sowwy.” Instead of letting him worry more over her the mare trotted over to her sad pile of toys and dragged out a stuffy-friend with half of one of it’s ears gnawed off.

“Dis stuffy-fwend am ‘fo Tubbeh.” She said, putting the toy next to the tablet screen. Tubby didn’t really need a stuffy-friend and that one was super old but since it came from his new bestest special friend, his eyes lit up.

“Dank yew! Woxie am hab…” Scanning over his giant pile of stuff, he couldn’t decide what was the most favorable item to gift her. Finally he selected a pop-up tent that was covered in rainbows and sparkles. Huffing and puffing he’d drag the tent over so that Roxie could see it.

“Housie!?” Roxie said with no small amount of wonder. Tubby poked into the tent and back out again with a goofy smile.

“It’s bestest secwet pwace!” Tubby declared, Roxie nudging toward the screen closer to get a better look at it.

“Secwet pwace ‘fo kissies ‘n huggies!” The mare announced which caused Tubby to once more become all bashful and look off to the side. Kissies? He sure hoped that mummah didn’t hear any of this. Good fluffies weren’t allowed to do that.

Chattering about such taboo things as kissies, havin’ babbehs, and other such nonsense they would burn up an entire hour with nothing more than babble. This was once more interrupted though. Yelling on Roxie’s end: This time Tubby could hear it. It was a meanie-man talking very loudly and banging into stuff. Roxie pinned her ears down.

“Nee’ go naow…sowwy Tubbeh. Wub yew.” She pressed the screen with a kiss and he did the same. Their connection was cut off and he sat there looking at the screen with a somewhat confused expression.


It was much of the same for Tubby as it had been recently. When Roxie wasn’t on the tablet talking to him, he worried about her and wondered when they would be able to speak again. Mummah wasn’t much help either. All she did was tell him to stop worrying, but how could he when there had been lots of meanie-words?

“Huu…Woxie…” That night’s sketti dinner didn’t even taste good. It tasted like poopies. Pushing the dish around the kitchen with a morose expression, mummah finally picked it up off the floor and scolded him.

“Tubby, worrying about things isn’t going to help anything. You need to relax. Do I need to take away your Fun Talk Tablet?” She asked him in a warning tone. That was what Tubby wanted least! If he couldn’t talk to her, how could he be sure that she was okay?

“Nuuuu mummah! Pwease nuuuu!” Shaking his head around frantically, he decided to let the issue die down before she really went through with the threat. Racing into his saferoom, the fluffy dove down onto his bed and tried to distract himself with teebee. Was Roxie watching teebee too? He hoped so. Before he even realized it, his eyes were growing heavy with sleepies. Falling into a disquieted rest, his hooves kicked around and he’d grumble a bit. No doubt dreaming about his bestest friend in the whole world.

That morning he popped out of bed with a jiggle of fat and waddled over to his tablet. Pressing the heart button, he was relieved to see that Roxie would be able to talk to him. After she’d accepted his message, he was horrified to see what had become of her since yesterday.

Roxie’s face was swollen up all over. It looked like an entirely new one to Tubby. The eye which hadn’t already been swollen up completely was oozing blood and didn’t seem to be able to focus on things very well. There were burn marks all over her face and head where strips of fur had been burned away to leave incredibly painful looking sites which had blistered up. It gave Tubby scaredies but this was his bestest friend in the whole world. Even if she had hurties, he still thought she was the prettiest fluffy in the whole world.

“Woxie…” It was really hard for his think-place to work. She had lots of boo-boos. He wasn’t even sure that mummah could help her now.

Roxie tried to focus on the tablet screen, sniffled, quivered a bit. “D-Daddeh am meanie munstah. Gib wowstest huwties.”

Puffing out his cheeks, he knew he had to do something. Tell mummah? She acted like she didn’t even care most of the time. He had to do something! Just like all of the brave fluffies on teebee. They could solve all sorts of problems.

“Tubbeh sabe Woxie! Woxie am bestest fwend!” Going over to his collection of toys he grabbed ahold of a bag and started dragging it out of the room. Roxie whimpered a bit as she watched her hero jump into action. “Pwease sabe Woxie! Hab scawdies ‘n huwties!”

The bag that Tubby was dragging around was his Backyard Explorers Kit from Hasbio. It had stuff like a toy compass (the four different directions were ‘FUN, SKETTIS, FRIENDS, HUGGIES), a cage to put buggy friends in, and a canteen that couldn’t even hold anything. Dragging his supplies out to the front door, the stallion began rapping his hooves against it.

“Mummah! Wet Tubbeh out! ‘Nee sabe Woxie! Mummah! MUMMAH!” Butting his head against the door, he kept yelling for his mummah until she finally arrived. To say she was unimpressed by his behavior was an understatement.

“Tubby. I’ve told you that if your tablet keeps getting you excitable, I’m going to take it away.” This time she meant it. He could tell by the way her voice was sharp edged. Tubby shook his head.

“Dis am SEWIOUS! Woxie am in biggest huwty twoubew! WET TUBBEH OUT NAOW!” To underscore just how serious he was, he lifted up his tail and sent a flurry of sorry-poopies against the wall. He’d never done this in his whole life. It was his hope that mummah could see just how serious he was! Instead of understanding the urgency behind the stinking mudslide that had just erupted out of him and covered the wall, she picked him up by the scruff of his mane and carried him yelping and shrieking back to the saferoom.

“MUMMAH! MUMMMMAAHHHHHHH!” He screamed at the door. She didn’t pay him any mind though. Something caused his tantrum to break though. There was screaming that wasn’t coming from him: It was coming from the tablet. He’d left it on this whole time. Curiously getting close to it, he would freeze in place.

There was someone new in Roxie’s saferoom. It was her munstah daddeh, it had to be because he was yelling at the top of his voice.

“You’re in here talking SHIT about me, huh? You worthless BITCH!” The munstah daddeh said as he sent the tip of his toe right into the mare’s ribs. Tubby yelled at his tablet.

“Nu! NU HUWT WOXIE! SHE AM PWETTIEST BESTEST FWEND!” Tears flowed down his eyes as he watched the bearded, muscular man scoop up Roxie by her throat. With his free hand he lifted up the tablet, giving Tubby varying views of the room as it shifted about. Once it was finally set in place, it was focused on Roxie who was pinned up against a wall. Roxie looked to the camera just in time for it the tablet to come smashing down against her face. This was an electronic meant for fluffies which meant that it was built to the same standards as toddlers, so the device wasn’t going to break after such a strike.

“WOXXIIIEEE!” Tubby gave a warbling screeching as teeth and gouts of blood plopped out of her mouth in clumps. Another sideways strike and her jaw was completely broken, mouth hanging up in a distended fashion with a tongue glistening with blood lolling down. Roxie gave a gurgling sound before it struck her upside the head. The side of her face caved in like a rotten cantaloupe, the eye which had been bleeding simply popping out from it’s socket and dangling down from it’s optic nerve.

“Disgusting rat.” The munstah daddeh said before flipping his grip, pinning her to the wall by her tail. A switch in position because somehow, out of all that happened, she’d managed not to lose control of her body. Tubby watched as peepee and poopies trickled or plopped down on his special friend’s mangled face.

“Huuhuu….nuu…nu am weaw…” Tubby tried to tell himself. A futile effort that he wasn’t watching poopies go into the area behind his friend’s see-place. This was horrible. The most awful thing he’d ever seen or thought about. It was about to be over though. A foot leveled into frame of the tablet’s video, now all smeary with blood but recognizable to Tubby. With a triumphant yell, Roxie’s munstah daddeh slammed his foot down into her chest. Partially digested kibble and blood flooded out from her gaping mouth, the mare seeming to choke on it for a moment before he gave another fierce stomp. Tummy skettis erupted out from her mouth in great oily loops, some of them getting caught on the broken stumps of her teeth and rending up as they were dragged out. Finally she was dropped down along with the tablet, the mare giving choked gurgles as she lay in her waste.

“SPECCIIIAAAWWWW FWEEENNNNNDDDDDDD!” Kicking the Fun Talk Tablet as far away from him as he could, Tubby went to run inside his pop-up tent. The one which Roxie and him were supposed to share. Have lots of kissies and huggies inside. Curling up, he began to cry himself senseless.


Perhaps twenty minutes later, mummah had come to the saferoom. Bending down and lifting him out of the tent, he was expecting to be given lots of huggies and love. Couldn’t she see the saddies he had?

“Mummah….?” He managed to get out before he was pinned down on the ground and given several vicious wallops of a sorry-stick. The fluffy bellowed and begged as the springy wood stung against his shit covered ass. “TUBBEH SOWWY! SOWWY! MUMMAHHHH!” He knew he’d made sorry poopies but it had been an emergency! Roxie needed help! But, but that didn’t even matter anymore. Huggies made everything better but that was a lot of huwties. Even a complete dummeh could see that.

“I don’t want to hear it!” Mummah told him, lifting him up and taking him to a corner of the room he very much dreaded. It was the sorry-box! He never needed it but the fear was real.

“Nu. MUMMAH NU! Tubbeh am be gud fwuffy! Pwease! PWEASE!?” Begging was for naught there because his fat body was crammed into the small enclosed area. His weggies hurt in here, it was hard to breath, it smelled funny, and the rough wood gave stingies to his sorry-sticked ass. As the lid came closing down and shuttered him away in darkness, he began screaming.

Screaming had to stop eventually though. Once it did and his throat was too tired to do anymore, he had to listen to it. His tablet. The only sound in the room came from it. It was Roxie, still gurgling and now, despite all of her injuries, giving hurt peeps like a foal.

He was in that box for two days. The sounds coming from his tablet only stopped a day and a half into it.


oh gosh, thats horrible.
wonderful story ace, though i think the mama was being a dumby parent, how did she not see the tablet and the gore on it and realize what her baby saw?
Oh when he gets out and tells her i wana hear her shock and horror at it. poor Tubby, poor poor Roxie.


This reminds me so very much of parents who ignore their children, even as the children’s friends are beaten senseless. Brutal stuff. Maybe I watch too much true crime, but I can’t even make fun of Tubby or Roxie.

Great work, Ace!




Awesome story, but holy shit does it give my mandated reporter self some unpleasant flashbacks.


It could only go horribly wrong. I love the tablet idea so much. What a helpless situation Tubby was in, well done


I love this because it hits so close to home

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This is a new level of fucking a shitrat, showing him how you eliminate his special friend and he can’t do anything to stop it xD

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Hmm… these tablets need to be locked to fwiends of the same gender to prevent that infuriating babbehs talk.

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Can’t help but pity Tubby. Bro wanted to square off against the abuser with child toys


Oh that’s good. Poor tubby. Great story


I wonder who that fluffy is.

10/10 great work. I really loved this take on the concept.


Giving fluffies tablets is probably on par with giving your toddler unmonitored internet access, it was never going to end well for The Tubster™


Should’ve just stuck with the fluffy flashing his no-no stick, really

At least you know what you’re getting


Tubby is kind of a badass, ngl

For a fluffy, that is.

Not only is he willing to beat up a hoomin for Roxie, he’s even willing to break the rules for her!


I’m sorry, Ace. I thought this was going to be a catfishing thing; a scam-a-ram to get at the mummah’s credit card numbers. I should have been more familiar with your game. Roxie’s a tough bird. Or was anyway.


Thats Rough. Stuff like this has always been my favorites, Thought it was going to be about grooming. Honestly feel bad for the lil guys.

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