Opening Day {Part 1.} [By Biorb_McBiorb]

Clint had been running an ad on TV for the store, it was a short 25 seconds, all being narrated by none other than Mambo and Oingo, not exclusively, but their cuteness did help a lot. The Commercial hit well, and now their was a whole line of people outside of the store.

Clint welcomed his new Employees into the soon to be opened store. While originally Clint had only hired 20 or so Employees for the store, he had also hired 4 or so Security Guards, all being shown the security system, and the upper floor were the security footage was being recorded from. While Fluffies are still considered pets in Cali, their are still plenty of Fluffy thefts.

As Clint gave a tour of the Shop, he noticed a few faces from the Yes Pile he had made. After the tour, Clint gathered the group up to the second floor, getting ready for his first Employer Speech.

“Okay guys, now that were done, I wanted to make sure your all aware, this isn’t some thrifty ass Fluffy store that pops out foals like cookies in a bakery. This store is supposed to be a loving and caring environment for not only the Fluffies we sell, but to the customers we take care of here. I’m not saying you have to make a sale for every customer that comes in, but don’t just let them wander around until they find something themselves. Now a couple of scenarios, first to answer each gets an hour extended on their lunches for today. Ready?” Clint says, standing ahead of the staff, now a bit more excited at the promise of a longer lunch break. Gloria looked determined to answer the questions, wanting to show herself as an asset.

“First question, woman comes in requesting a Walking and Talking Foal, she finds the right color and decides to buy, but she request the little Foal to be pillowed, what do you do?” Clint ask, looking hopefully at his staff.

Gloria raises her hand, only to see a hand already up at the question. The gentleman who raised his hand first answers quickly, his shrill Australian accent started as soon as his mouth opened. “Deny the pillowin, buh’ offah the DIY pack, she refuses the pack, and insist that we ahh t’ pillow the foal, we deny the puhchuyse. Any fuhthah agitation is t’ be met’ weeth the boys in black ova there.” Lucas says, putting his arms behind his back after finishing the question. Gloria stood partially perplexed, mostly due to the thick Australian accent.

“Great, that’s an extra hour for ya, now to make it fair, next one will go to someone else, good answer by the way Lucas.” Clint says, approvingly. Lucas simply smiled and nodded.

“Next one, easier one for you guys. We get a report that a Brown Foal is being rejected by it’s mother, right in front of the customer that wanted to purchase it. What do you do?” Clint asks, looking around for hands, this time, Gloria raises her hand first.

“We separate the foal from it’s mother, calming it down, by referring it as a ‘Brownie’. Once the foal is calmed and settled, we finish the purchase while another associate takes the Mother down into the Second Floor and places her in a Sorry-Box for an Hour, repeat offenders get Sorry Boxes and Sorry Sticking’s, any further offences we send back to the mill where they will… I uh… I don’t remember that part, sorry!” Gloria says, a light chuckle coming from the staff as she finishes.

“That’s fine Gloria, once they are at the mill, just forget about them. At that point, they will be reused as Breeding mares, exclusively. It’s a sad punishment, but for those kinds of repeat offenders, that’s the only use we can get outta them.” Clint says, finishing with a nod to Gloria. “And that’s an hour extra lunch for you as well.”

Gloria nodded. Clint instructed the associates to get to their stations and prep, making sure each and every single thing was ready for the customers.

As Clint did a final check up on everyone, Gloria stepped aside from her department, Fluffy Care, and looked over the stock, a Final Check, just before the sales for the day. Gloria was in charge of the five rows of normal Fluffies, Alicorn, Pegasi, Earthie, and Unicorns. Her five rows were all filled, some being previously paired, with mates, some even already having litters.

Each Pen was perfect for customers browsing. Each Pen was large, but with a see through door, and soundproof walls, the pens were silent, keeping the volume of the store low. but each Fluffy was instructed that they had an “Help Button” in their pens, in case someone was trying to steal a foal and the staff were missing. Each pen also had a small plaque next to it, giving a description of the Families, or the individual Fluffies inside each one, similar to her old family store’s method of selling fluffies, but each plaque was replaced with a small tablet, swipe screens and pictures of each of the Fluffies in each pen. As Gloria was finishing her check on the last isle, she received an emergency notice on her work tablet.

“The hell? We haven’t even opened yet!” Gloria said, rushing over to Isle 2, pen 8. As Gloria set the Tablet down, she looked inside the pen and saw a very panicked overweight Pegasus, crying as some of her foals were fighting, a Stallion keeping one of them pined behind him, while the other foal was tapping at his father. As soon as Gloria opened the pen, she finally heard what was going on.

Gloria picked up her Tablet as she looked over the names.

Petunia: Pegasus, Overweight, Special Friends with Stone. Pastel Pink coat, Hot Pink mane, Black Irises. Abuse Victim, donated to the Mill, fully trained.
Stone: Unicorn, Special Friends with Petunia. Silver coat, Light Yellow mane, Magenta Irises. Born and raised in the Mill. Fully trained.

Coral: Alicorn, Filly, weaned. Light Orange coat, Dusty Blue mane and Irises. Oldest of the three offspring.
Woad: Unicorn, Colt, weaned. Tan coat, Silver mane, Black Irises. Middle Child, slightly abused by his younger sibling. Mama’s Boy.
Toad: Unicorn, Colt, not weaned. Emerald coat, Grey coat and Irises. second strike, repeat “Bestes” behavior. Trouble child.

Toad was trying to beat up his father Stone for protecting Woad from him, not very well thou. Petunia was crying, being comforted by Coral. Gloria stared just as the family noticed.

“DUMMEH HOOMIN GIBE BESTES’ TOAD BWUDDA! AM POOPIE! NEE’ WOWEST OWWIES!” The little colt yelled, puffing his cheeks up.

Stone looked coldly at his youngest so, keeping Woad on his back, away from Toad. Petunia was just crying, begging that her foal would either go away, or just be good again. Coral just stared ahead at Gloria.

Gloria stared coldly, knowing full well the rules about Smarty Syndrome, and it’s precursor, Bestes’ Babbeh Syndrome. Grabbing the tablet, she messaged the Abuse and Discipline Department’s Leader, Lucas.

‘Lucas, need you up here, twenty minutes until opening and I already have a Bestes’ situation here.’

‘OMW Gloria, what Ilse are you in? Ill bring a foal container.’

‘Thanks! I’m in isle 2, pen 8.’

‘Copy, omw. Haven’t even opened yet and were already dealing with shit, eh?’

Within a few minutes the thin Ausie came up from A&D to meet Gloria. “Hey G, green one the prawblem?” Lucas said, setting the small container down.

“Yeah, little puta is already past his third warning, so he’s scheduled for either A or D.” Gloria said, grabbing Toad, all to his anger, and pushing him into the small container.

“NU NU WAN SOWWIE BOX! AM BESTES’ AM GUD FWUFF-” Was all that he got out before Lucas closed the door. “Roight, I’ll get the lil fella all situated, no worries.” Lucas said, beginning to walk away.

“Oh! Hey, good luck up here! Message me if ya need anything!” He said, waving his free hand back as he made his way down back to A&D.

Gloria looked back at the family, all comforting each other, happy that their bad son was finally away from them. While it wasn’t the same as her family store, this place was much more up to date.

“Okay everyone! Doors are opening up in 15 minutes!” The speakers rang out, the excited voice of Clint echoing along the walls.

“Okay Gloria, you can do this… You got this.” Gloria said, pumping herself up as she finished the Fluffy check.


Dang. That’s some amazing coordination between staff.


Kind of unusual for a ‘bestesh babbeh’ to show up without at least some favoritism from one or both the parents- it would be a good idea to put a note on that breeding pair’s files and have them closely watched to see if they’re accidentally or on purpose encouraging that sort of unfortunate behavior. Far cheaper to correct that early on than wait for the next abuse bai- I mean, ‘bestesh’ to show up.


well, Uptown Fluffies does still the elf proclaimed Bestes’ they are just on the second floor, with the other bestes’ and smarties, after all, we cater to every customer!

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yeah, the tablets and messegers are based off the ones i use at work, its just discord but more work serious is all


Good start and Gloria seems doing well and even this a wanna be smarty foal kicked in sheez!

Well hope goes well on its first day. :thinking:

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It could be genetic like sociopathy. Off course, that means it’s even more important to keep an eye on future litters rather than the parents themselves