Opinion on the House (TheBigBrother)

We’re house hunting and we’re going to put our first offer down today it’s going to cost most of the money we’ve saved up and it makes me scared! But I’m sure we’ll be oka


Ugh, y’all are gunna make me half hug-box with all the cuteness 'round here lately! As your friendly neighborhood abuser though I should warn you that fluffy fur traps heat exceptionally well and if your fluff falls asleep on there it could be nasty. Keep an eye on 'em and move 'em off the vent if they fall asleep. Keep up the cute.


Half hug-box is a good thing. IMO the best abuse is contrasted with hugbox moments, and the best abusers make you wanna rescue their victims almost as much as you wanna see how they suffer. Constant senseless abuse becomes meaningless without the faint hope of bwite-times to keep the wan-die loop at bay.


I personally find myself feeling best at a 1/5th mix leaning towards abuse, but damn there’s been some touching hugbox 'round here lately.

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Get out of there buddy of you’re make the whole house reek of burnt hair

If someone brought a fluffy to a house showing I would decline their offer.


If they brought it to a walk-through for a rental, oh hell yeah they’re getting denied, but if they want a shit-rat to stink up their own property than fine. Not to say this particular fine fellow is a shit-rat, he appears to be well mannered.

Good luck dude

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SO CUTE!!! Of course fluffies would love heater vents.

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