oreo and other stuff [ By littleboodah1 ]

Oreo loves weezer, once in awhile i will give her a little brake form her babies so she can relax

oreos fav weezer song is Weezer - Buddy Holly (Official Music Video) - YouTube this

and she loves to dances to them, as in other updates about her i told her one of her babies have a name i pointed out to the Blue and gray one [or black] and told her that the baby name is Nightwing, kinda in luck he’s now named Nightwing, oreo says thank you @DWB_Reads,

as for lloyd

He some how keeps getting DONUT HOLES while i was giving a brake form her baby- DEAR GOD LLODY YOU SHOULD BE WATCHING THE BABBIES. and i really need to put you on a diet now.

Lloyd: Noooooo buh wub donuthowes! buh am watchin’ dah babbehs…

Me: your fat-

Lloyd: Crys

As for the whole sub joke

Normal sized fluffy just wanted to be safe in the water. but oh well. at least he spent his own money that he saved.


Yay, Oreo! She needs a little tutu for her dancing.

Lloyd is going to get too chonky to enf, but it IS adorbs.

Rich people need better sense.


I think that’s the last donut hole, I don’t know how he got them I don’t buy them, and she has one I just lost it, and the thing is he was the only fluffy on the sub

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oreo milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard~


Yea lol


Clearly, someone is giving them to him, possibly through the fence. Do you have a neighbour with a sweet tooth and a soft heart?

I live in the woods alone- it could be hikers

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Very likely. Maybe put up some signs?

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And done, I know fluffys magic isn’t that strong to make stuff right? right

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I think all they can make is poop.

Unicorn fluffys are a mystery

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