Taking some inspiration from @Beast’s Artwork of a Fluffy family’s home living, I’ve decided to write a little something up about what a day in the family life might be like and found a way to link it back to the Mongola saga at the end.
Don’t worry, I’ll keep this lot as far from Josef as possible.
Lupine woke up slowly, feeling his special-friend Daffodil still sleeping beside him, curled up in her fluff were their sons, Pine and Mulberry, all happily cooing in their slumber.
Carefully, Lupine removed himself from the fluffpile and looked around their home, Lupine had found this tiny human house a few bright-times ago and it had saved the family so much heartbreack, now they had a place to call their own, the strong plastic walls were sturdy against the bitter winds, the roof hardy enough against sky-wawa, there was even four separate room, a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen and a family room.
For a human child it would’ve made for a fun afternoon of pretend, for a Fluffy family it was the perfect reality of their new life.
Lupine went to the bathroom and made good-poopies in the plastic human toilet, it had taken him a few tries to understand it but once he realised he could rest his front hoofs on square thing at the back, then he had no issues with it. Pine and Mulberry were still too small so they made poopies on some paper left on the floor, then either Lupine or Daffodil would take it outside later.
His morning poop sorted, Lupine made his way to the kitchen, picked up a plastic cup from the ground with his teeth and scooped some water out of one of the bowl sitting on the kitchen counter. He then sat on his butt, grasped the glass with both front hoofs and took a drink whilst reading the newspaper, it was the exact same news paper as had lined the house since he and his family first arrived, and while Lupine didn’t know how to read, he liked the colourful pictures.
And he liked to pretend he was actually reading it as well.
It wasn’t long afterwards that Daffodil and their sons were awake, the three of them lazily sauntered through to the kitchen to join Lupine.
“Gud bwite-time speciaw-fwiend.” Daffodil yawned as she leaned over to give Lupine a small lick on the cheek. “Gud nuus?”
“Yeh, say aww Fwuffies am gud Fwuffies.”
The little family cheered at the good news, Pine and Mulberry ran up and hugged their father from both sides.
“Du daddeh hab tug u tu wowk?” Pine moaned in his cute little voice, a small tear lingering in his eye.
Lupine nodded. “Daddeh hab tu wowk so can hab bestesh nummies fow babbehs.”
Mulberry pouted. “Bu hab nummies awweady, daddeh nu need git mowe.”
“Awways need mowe nummies, if cowd-time comes, need be pwepawe. Nu wowwies babbehs, awmosh week-en, den daddhe nu hab wowk.
None of them actually knew what day it was, let alone what a weekend actually was, but they knew it meant not having to work.
Lupine finished his cup of water and returned it to the countertop, he moved closer to Daffodil and nuzzled her for a moment.
“Woo-pine nu be wong, bwing bak bestesh nummies.”
“Daff-o-diw knyo, jus wan speciaw-fwiend be safe.”
The couple nuzzled again before Lupine turned back to his son, gave them both a quick lick on the cheek, and walked out the front door, gently opening and shutting it like he’d seen countless humans do before.
“Woo-pine gun git wots of nummies fow speciaw-fwiend an babbehs.”
Behind him, Daffodil stuck her head out of the window and waved at him. “Speciaw-fwiend am sub wave, Daff-o-diw wub yu.”
And from the top of the door, the little head of Mulberry peered over the edge. “Babbeh miss daddeh…”
“Brudda am su heavy.” Mulberry was interrupted by the panting of Pine trying to hold his brother aloft to see their father off, Mulberry jumped off his brother’s back and the two played huggie-tag while Daffodil tidied around the house.
Lupine’s work was the sort of thing a Fluffy would designate themselves as work, in that it wasn’t actually work at all. After his endless commute to the other end of the garden, Lupine would park himself down, gather as many of the strewn toys as he could reach and “test” them.
He started with the tiny plastic piano and it’s three keys that each made different bell chimes when hit, he pretended he was on a magic human box, typing away all his ‘reports’. Next he tried the ball, kicking it to make sure it rolled, then chasing after it to make sure he could still kick it.
He did this 15 times, just to be thorough.
Next was the scariest part of his testing, the slide. Hesitantly, Lupine made his way over to the steps leading up to the slide, there was only three and they were close enough together for a toddler to climb up with no issues, but Fluffies weren’t built like toddlers and the climb made Lupine shake with fear, he daren’t look down for fear that the foot high drop would make him do scardie-poopies.
Eventually he reached the top, planted himself down and pushed forward, his arms flew up almost involuntarily and he let out a ‘WHEEEEE’ as he slid, completely forgetting about why he was scared in the first place. The plastic on the slide gave off a mild static from Lupine’s Fluff and made it stand on end, it was a strange but slightly tickling experience that only served to make Lupine love the slide even more.
He tested it once more, just to remain thorough.
The last thing Lupine did before heading home was water the flowers, there was a bed of VERY pretty red flowers not far from his office, and every day Lupine would pick up a little green watering can and water the flowers as a thank you before picking some to take home.
Lupine took the watering can in his mouth, there was still a little water left in it but he hoped it would rain again soon so the can could be refilled and he could keep feeding the flowers.
“Fank yu for gibben nummies pwetty fwowas. Woo-pine gib wawa su fwowas can gwon big an stwong su Fwuffy can have nummies tu gwow big an stwong.”
Carefully – or as carefully as a Fluffy could be – Lupine tipped the can until the water was sprinkling out onto the soil, he watched as the light brown dirt become darker from soaking up the moisture, once all the soil had been watered he placed the can down and smiled at a job well done.
Satisfied that his part was done, Lupine bit off three flowers, one for him and Daffodil, and one for Pine and Mulberry to share. He had to be very careful since the pretty red flowers had sharp owies on them, but he’d found that feeding them first made the owies hurt less.
They didn’t, Lupine was just more careful each time he took a flower head, but he never correlated the two before.
With the three flowers in his mouth, Lupine took the long journey home… back to the other end of the garden. He opened the door to the playhouse and was greeted with three smiling faces.
“DADDEH’S HOME!” Pine and Mulberry dashed forward, both hugging their father’s legs and cooing their love for him. Lupine gently pushed past them and lay the flower nummies on the ground in the family room so he could nuzzle Daffodil.
“Woo-pine miss speciaw-fwiend, wub yu.”
“Wub yu tuu, speciaw-fwiend bwing bestest wed nummies, hab gub-tummeh feews dis dawk-time.”
The family gathered in a small circle in the family room and slowly began eating into their flower head, Lupine took a moment to look around, his two wonderful sons teasing each other as they pulled petals off their dinner, Pine’s light green fluff was coming in nicely along with his puffy blue tail and his growing unicorn horn, while Mulberry’s bright purple coat shone in the sunlight and made his Pegasus wings seem all the grander.
Then there was his incredible special-friend, Daffodil’s yellow coat was still as vibrant and beautiful as the day he met her, they had wanted more foals but constantly being on the move hadn’t afforded them the luxary. Now, their sons were talkie-babbehs, soon to be colts, and they had four walls and a roof over their heads, at last they were safe to grow their family.
Daffodil looked over and saw tears in Lupine’s eyes. “Wai speciaw-fwiend hab see-pwace wawas?”
“Am happy wawas, Woo-pine hab biggesh heawt-happies. Fwuffies nu find housie, dey find homesie.”
The four of them all cuddled together, holding each other and giving thanks for their wonderful new home.
From the window looking out into the garden, two men watched the Fluffies play.
Lewis Carter spoke first. “So you say they’ve been here for three days now?”
Daniel MacMillan nodded. “Aye.”
“And they’ve done this human work act since they’ve arrived?”
“Aye, that’s what ma sister says, think they got in when she left the gate open tae pick up the wee-man from school. Was gonna scare them off until she saw them just loving the wee hoose, she thought it was adorable.”
Lewis looked out to the family, these were a strange bunch of Fluffies, a breed he’d never seen before, their eyes were bigger and brighter, their cheeks chubbier, but most of all their temperaments were fantastic, not once had he seen the mother or father chastise their young or give any kind of abuse or demand. If anything it seemed like they had claimed the toy-house as their own accommodation and didn’t feel the need to bother the humans with anything.
Lewis had to admit, they were kinda adorable.
“So what do you want done with them?”
“I dinnae ken, I feel like a right bastard if kick them oot. But I cannae let ma sister stay oot her garden forever. Ye have any suggestions.”
Lewis looked over at his boyfriend, a knowing smile growing on his face.
“Yeah, let’s say we introduce them to the others.”
For anyone that’s followed the Mongola saga so far, this is set a few years in the future from the current timeline for narrative purposes that I’m not going to spoil here, but it follows the standard set by Carter’ Creature Comforts and the hugbox lifestyle that the series has been embracing.
Once I’ve caught the timeline up I’ll return to Lupine and his family for just some good old-fashioned friendliness, figured some levity might do the mind good.