Padded love room (carniviousduck)


There are probably places like this you can take your fluffy to have “bad enfies” for your amusement or your fluffies’ punishment. Or both.

The most common form of fluffy mental illness after poop madness: paranoid erotic delusions of fabulous feathered phenomena. Mostly occurring in pegasi, this case is unusual in that the incubus reported does not have traits from the family Anatidae.


Lol i has no idea sexual weirdbox was a tag

Are those semen stains or did someone scatter cocaine everywhere?

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Nice. New fetish for my Dios breed.

Its dick is probably a long ass corkscrew too. Definitely new meaning to getting screwed.


Just relax and enjoy it, fluffy.

Or he’ll eat your spleen.

It’s like being sexually harassed by Hannibal Lector.


Scariest rim job of his life

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I imagine they have a couple fluffy-sized cages like this at FC-Con, and maybe even one human sized one for the fuckboxers. Takes all kinds to make a community convention work.