Fresh new story coming up, man was the last post controversial, again it’s just a concept and many of the comments are ACTUALLY GREAT IDEAS and might influence future stories, let’s settle on normal fluffs but betas will still be around. I get this is where we torture fluffies but instead of lamely killing them, let’s psychologically torture them, love seeing them realize that they are pathetic, if you have any more to say I’d love to read what you guys got.
this will not end well for that bitch
Reminds me of someone, whose name should not be spoken.
I wonder if foetal foal leather is good for anything?
To make costumes for the hamsters
Or leather jackets for biker mice (from Mars, PA).
Q: What is happening in the 2nd panel?
Ayo, the dudes of the other comic. Bet your ass they gonna be drifting if they gonna get some easy big bucks
They better be playing “The boys are back in town”
May I make a humble request? … Make that speshuwl wiwwle babbehs suffer … A lot.
I love when the raw material arrives alone
God it’s been a while since I’ve seen a fluffy “kindly” demand a bunch of shit while baiting it’s own fate. Good shit
Skin them all and take away their limbs.
yeah b/c making them like real animals would drive plenty of psychopaths here to relive their childhoods
Since the comments there got locked, its probably best not to continue it here.
My favorite kind of abuse. Got really tired of seeing “dis am smawty wand nao” every other story