Party Foal Preparation [The_Agony_Presence]

I’ll buy a dozen.

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They’re born shitting themselves :skull::skull::skull:
Outstanding work


My god the purple foal is feeling the love


Love your work! Double points for the leftmost decoration—you could probably get a whole $0.75 for ones with wings who can buzz in time with the singing.


Brilliant brilliant brilliant! What a fantastic piece. The faces, the emotions, every second is so raw and powerful. The babies are cute and resilient. The process is quick, unfeeling and demonic. Great job! And the punch of these things only being worth .60$ is so awful and terrible it makes me chuckle just thinking about it. No lies this my be my favorite piece here! What an amazing job I can’t wait for another! Beautiful job. Thank you.


The cherry on top would’ve been the guy doing all the work and then to two huggers manage to impale each other.


You could probably sell that if you vertical mounted both of them and replaced their front legs with Chinese finger trap type devices. “Perpetual embrace” or something awful from marketing, the right colors, and you have THE Valentine’s surprise.


Ooooo~ thats a good idea


The bio-glue could probably do the trick.


“Their hug lasts forever, just like your love!”


Love the range of emotions and personality they are showing. Nice details, great work.

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Well, “unforgettable” would be right if I found small animals impaled on a cake, but the price implies these things are so common as to be as unremarkable as candles IRL. What a delicious extra bit of cruel irony.


I audibly let out an attempt at death metal guttural screaming when I saw this. If I could find a way to liquefy foal abuse I would 1000% inject that shit. PLEASE do a follow up on this, maybe the parties they went to and their fates at the end?


im gonna buy the purple one, seems to be the most social one, can’t let that happen

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the green and purple one need to be bought together, they will makes coo noises for a while until the hunger kicks in.

(lets be real at 60cents a go you aint gonna be buying food for them when you can just have them replaced for cheaper :shrug:)

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and its not like they can shit so not much point feeding them, just risks them splitting open

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Can anyone set them on fire? I’m sure they’d start singing really well then. XD

Little guy on the far left last panel is a fighter. Why dont I adopt him and pump him full of roids until he can break free of his bonds only to realise he’s still going to die of septic shock from being plugged, lol.

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A must have