Patrick's Pillows [By MuffinMantis]

It was Timothy’s fifth day working at FluffMart, and he was beginning to feel the strain of selling fluffies to people who he knew were going to torture and kill them while wearing a smile on his face. He knew customer service jobs in general sucked, but selling animals for people to torment was a new low. Still, he needed the money, and as a high-school dropout there weren’t a lot of job opportunities in the area.

The FluffMart doors opened with their signature chime, and in walked the sort of person you didn’t normally see in FluffMart. A big man wearing overalls and a baseball cap, the kind of person who you’d expect to find taking care of actual horses, not fluffies. But a customer was a customer, no matter how unusually they dressed.

“Hey, son!” the customer boomed, his cheery voice starting all the fluffies in their cages chattering. “How many fluffies you got 'bout to be deemed unsellable product?”

“I…I don’t know. Why?”

“Ah, you’re new here. I guess I didn’t think about it. I’m Patrick Willows, and I’d like to buy all your past-sell fluffies before ya get rid of them.”

“I can ask management, if you do this a lot they might have kept track. Why do you want so many fluffies?”

“I buy soon-to-be-incinerated fluffies and make pillows. I make money and they get a chance to live. Win-win, right, son?”

Timothy noticeably flinched. He’d heard about this. A lot of fluffy buyers weren’t interested in fluffies with legs, but policy changes had meant FluffMart no longer offered to pillow fluffies. This created an opening in the market where a lot of enterprising individuals with less-than-stellar morals bought fluffies in bulk to resell as pillowfluffs.

Trying hard to hide his bitter expression, he went to the back to talk with his manager, Sally. She didn’t seem at all surprised by his question, or to hear about Patrick’s plan for the creatures. She simply stated that policy was policy and Timothy was to sell all the “excess product” at the standard discount rate. Feeling sick, Timothy walked to the front.

“We have 13 fluffies that are about to go. They’ll be 80% off, since they’re about to be considered waste. Would you like to buy all 13?”

“Hmm…13 isn’t nearly enough, I’m opening a new warehouse and all and I need about 200 total. Oh well, there’re always ferals. I’ll take 'em!”

Timothy helped the man load all the fluffies into the back of his moving-van style truck. Patrick had come prepared with quite a few carriers. Every time one of the “unsellable” foals deemed to have bad colors chirped Timothy had to suppress a wince. He knew what was going to happen to these poor creatures, knew how hellish their lives were going to become, but there was nothing he could do.

After Patrick left, Timothy went into one of the bathroom stalls and vomited. Christ, but he hated this job.

Patrick pulled up to his warehouse. His business was so successful that he’d opened a second warehouse. One by one he brought in the fluffies to be processed, then placed them in the new-arrivals pen. Once he was sure they were well-behaved and wouldn’t cause a ruckus he’d move them in with the general population.

The larger warehouse area was converted into a huge saferoom-like structure, with various pens so Patrick could keep the fluffies more or less organized. He generally kept the fluffies separated by gender, but so-called “poopie” fluffies and of course alicorns had their own pens to avoid conflict. Of course, ill-behaved fluffies were kept in their own pen as well.

His phone rang, and he laughed to himself when he saw the caller ID. “What’s up, Sally?” he asked when he answered.

“Patrick, that was a sick joke. I don’t want to lose another employee because of you.”

“I didn’t lie or anything. Besides, you shoulda seen his face! Kid looked like he was gonna barf!”

“Don’t get me wrong, it was hilarious, I could barely keep a straight face when telling him to give you the fluffies. But still…”

Patrick merely laughed until Sally got annoyed and ended the call. He was entirely honest when he said he hadn’t lied. He did make pillows, and fluffy fluff was the best pillow filling he’d ever found, better than down or cotton or synthetic fibers. It wasn’t his fault that some sickos used the term pillow to mean something else.

In the new-arrival room, a bunch of newly buzz-cut fluffies looked at each other in confusion.


you had me in the first half, not gonna lie lmao
Also confused shaved fluffys sound so cute XD


Ahaha, this is great! I bet a fluff-stuffed pillow would be super comfy!


Expectations subverted! Mission successful!


Fluffy shivering intensifies


You got me good. I was about to call quits. Bravo.

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I always wondered about shearing fluffies, I mean the fluff is more eco-friendly than the polyester/nylon crap they sell for stuffing. I’ve also wondered about fluffy fluff yarn. could it even be spun into thread or yarn? Hm, now I need to over think this.


Provided it has some cuticle like any other hair, and preferably a bit of crimp, it would spin up just fine! Cat and dog hair can be spun, as can angora rabbit, and make very nice yarns.


Aw that was sweet in the end and some what holesom


Oh phew, that was a close one. :sweat_smile:


If fluffies have no fluff then none of them are poopies!

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I have a soft spot for pillowfluff…yet these are the pillows I prefer. :slight_smile: