“Pawt of you wowld!” (ChebanX)

Request from @PeppermintParchment of a sea-fluffy (lol)


Absolutely beautiful and funny,great job.


Obligatory Ariel Needs Legs reference.

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0/10 if this is referencing the new cash grab, 10/10 if it’s a reference to the original

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Why in gods name would I reference the new one LOL, ofc I mean the original

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There are people who think that the planet Earth is a flat firmament, that Battlefield 2042 was an acceptable game, that Donald Trump is a confirmed Russian spy, and that the background set piece known as Applejack is actually a character on My Little Pony. There are people who believe unironically that robots, animals, and fluffies should have equal or greater rights compared to a human being. There are people who put pineapple on pizza, and people who like Jordan Peele films, and there are people who have literally said that the new version of The Little Mermaid is the thing they have been dreaming of since they were in the womb and they are literally crying their eyes out with joy over its existence.

tl;dr for all I know, you might have gone your entire life without seeing an overweight dark-skinned redhead mermaid and maybe it was eating you up inside, too. It’s okay, I don’t judge.

The only thing I can imagine you’d possibly be referring to was little black girls really liking the new mermaid, cuz yknow, its looks like them, or just the black community in general. I personally don’t like Disney at ALL, and I don’t enjoy their bad live action cash grabs they’ve been putting out either.

Other then that I don’t understand what tone you’re going for

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Carried by four giant elephants standing on a colossal sea turtle?

It’s turtles all the way down. :heart:

Other then that I don’t understand what tone you’re going for

The “this probably should not be taken 100% seriously” tone. :slight_smile: