Pebble's Fate - Part 1 (Faggot)

feral pregnant mare nested and birthed in my backyard.
she got hit by a car looking for nummies and I decided to adopt and bottle feed the litter, lest they starve.
few weeks come along all 8 of them (5 fillies and 3 colts) are healthy, exploring their safe room, interacting with each other and learning to control their bowels and shit in the litter box.
cute little pudgy blue colt with a purple mane named Pebble can lose his temper sometimes.
doesn’t want to share his toys with his siblings, demands food when he’s hungry, puffs his cheeks and pees when he doesn’t get his way.
feed them mostly kibble, grains and fruits with a cheap spaghetti dinner once a week.
pebble especially loves sketties and turns into a squealing ball of joy at the mere mention of the word.
day after spaghetti night you give them all their usual meal.
pebble sniffs his bowl and grunts.
“eat your kibble, Pebble.”
“pebbwe nu wan nummeh kibbwe. Wan sketies gain!”
“pebble, you know spaghetti is only once a week. Now eat your lunch.”
"but pebbwe wub sketies! Daddeh bwink sketies fow widdwe babbeh pwease?
“good fluffies don’t make daddy repeat himself.”
he stamps his little hoofpads.
pebbwe wan sketies! Gif nao!
he puffs out his little cheeks in an attempt to look intimidating, only looking more cutely punchable in the process.
“if you don’t stop acting up I’m going to have to punish you.”
he stomps even more.
"fwuffy nu am scawed of dummeh daddeh! Dummeh daddeh take pebbwe sowwy poopies!
he turns around with his ass facing towards me, lifts his tailband squeezes a big shit right on his bowl of dinner while his siblings watch his tantrum in shock.
looks like it’s time for corrective measures.
What to do next?
1: make spaghetti for his siblings and don’t give him any
2: hang him by his nuts
3: bend the knee and give him spaghetti
4: make him eat his shit
5: sorry stick
6: turn him into a litterpal
7: combination of these choices
8: other (comment other ideas)


8: Choke him to death with all the capital letters and punctuation you left out of this post.

4: Obviously he has to eat the poopies. And then we’ll see what he does.

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4 & 5 for sure, then 2 to finish off the punishment in view of his siblings.

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Do the following: immediately beat his ass raw with a sorry stick, make him eat the shit( with additional hits for any resistance during the process) , and then shave off all his fluff or at least give him a hideous haircut. Afterwards, place him in some sort of transparent container and make him watch as his siblings get skettie. Afterwards, place him in a sorry box in another room for the night. First thing in the morning, give him another sorry sticking and explain that he will get it even worse if he ever misbehaves again. Make sure the other foals see and know that this will be what happens to them if they misbehave. It might be a first offense but it’s doing the foal a favor in the long run. A good fluffy has a chance for a long happy life, while smarties have short lives usually bookended with agonizing pain.

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Hang him by the nuts and give him the sorry stick while he watches his siblings eat a homemade spaghettis

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Tell him to eat the poop and then you’ll make sketti.

If he refuses, break a leg.

If you get to the point where all four legs are broken, his body should be low enough to push his head into the poop and force him to eat it.

Once the poop is gone, follow through on your word and cook sketti. Then point out that you said you would cook the sketti, that doesn’t mean he’s getting any. Then feed the sketti to his siblings


5: Sorry stick because there is an unfortunate lack of savage beatings

Give him what he wants. After a flanged cork seals his anus, give him all the sketti he wants to eat for every meal. Mix large amounts of laxative into the sketti starting on the second day. On the third day tell them all they will watch fluffy tv, but instead show them a fluffy explaining how sometimes, if a fluffy is very naughty, their poopie place will decide it does not want to be the bad fluffy’s friend anymore. Then Tell them that the best way to make sure their poopy place stays their friend is to get the biggest tightest most frequent hugs possible from other fluffies and so you tell all of them the hug each other as tightly and as frequently as possible. This will cause pebble quite a bit of pain. When pebble eventually starts complaining about his discomfort, let him know that that would mean that he’s been a bad fluffy and has angered his poopy place. But he’s not a bad fluffy is he? And unless he admits that he’s been naughty then he doesn’t get the cork removed. If he says that he was bad but he lies by saying fluffy am Sorry instead of using his name super glue the cork in place. There is, of course the chance that he could genuinely learn his lesson and become a nicer fluffy which would be lovely or he’ll explode. Either way, it’s going to be good time.

Number 1, then wait to see if any foals are smart enough to try getting “punished” so their other siblings get skitti, perhaps each taking a turn.

ging with 7, a combo 1, 2, 8 shaves the rat.

Super glue his ass and pee holes shut and give him all of the sketys and Gatorade he wants.

Either: 1, 4 or 6