Pick an ending #01 (InfraredTurbine)

Just a random idea I had, now late deep into this night.

Pick an ending for this fluffy!

How does that work ?

You select an ending you wanna see for it. Once you’ve clicked on it, it’s canon! xD
Can’t change your choice :slight_smile:
Good luck!

Pick an ending:


This foal here couldn’t use its litterbox properly and kept demanding sketties all day. It was left in a frontyard of an old house full of dobermans. They are just waiting for the rain to stop to “play” with this beautiful fluffy which is invading their territory.


This fluffy couldn’t decide in who it was going to vote in the next election, so it decided to stay neutral.


After being told a thousand times not to run away from his warm house, this fluffy decided he totally knew what was the best for him. Now he regrets his decisions while lost.


After being abbandoned by its mummah", this foal here was found by a little girl, playing around in a yellow raincoat. She decided to name him " Cloudy". It lives now in a warm and comfortable house, and promissed to be a good fluffy no matter what. He kept his promisse.


That rain is actually oil. No further questions allowed.


This fluffy was caught into the fabric of reality and now it’s in the void. Here a dark rain lays upon earth all the time. Screechs can be heard all around in every direction, but you never know if they’re close or not.

Wow so generic.


This fluffy was left behind by its family, after his mother told him not to eat all the “nummehs” his mummah" was able to find. He took the chance to eat it all while everyone was sleeping and his brother died of hunger. His mother left with a colored stallion and you’re left not alone, but with company: you and your greed.


This fluffy fell into the sewers, and now pee and shit rains all around, all the time. Ever heard of skettiland ? well, welcome to Shittyland. This one’s real.

For commissions, illustrations and so on, feel free to contact me!


Sorry if it all look a bit too generic xD but I like to try out ideas to entertain you folks around, sometimes :v
I’m also testing some fur and new brushes, I tested them here, but I still think I can improve, specially fur.




I vote hugbox as always, not all fluffies deserve bad things


Welcome to Shittyland, this one’s real

Fuckin kek’d


I have a brush graveyard full of failed experiments. So much of my early stuff looks like noodles and tufts of pubic hair.


I’m voting weirdbox

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Hugbox please

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A lot of people seem to be missing the point of the post. You click on the box of whatever ending you want and it tells you what happens. It’s not a vote. (I think, correct me if I’m wrong Turbine.)


i vote abuse


I clicked hugbox.
Extra details i add; a parent was a guy with a turbine for a head, drying the little cutie gently, while having a skettie-scent stick installed on the air intake (Fank 'ou daddeh!)
And the little one got a custom yellow raincoat for the next time it rained.

I second this… i vote hugbox too

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I like the new fur and brush styles, they look great.
thank you.

I will always choose abuse😂, haha
so love fluffy miserable look.

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Man I sure hope the people voting here think you’re going to be drawing the winning scene.

In any case I vote moronbox

Great choices! I vote moronbox


Still petitioning to make Fuckbox an official box

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What exactly does fuckbox entail, dare I ask

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The central theme of the content being human x fluffy sex. Recent examples include Cinnamummah, XXL/Fuckfies, the Mercy submissions, and the fluffy brothel stories. May overlap with hug, neutral, abuse, or weirdbox. But it’s a fairly prevalent theme, you’ve gotta admit.


Petition to take that box and light it ablaze in the street, yuck.

Prevalent ≠ good ≠ boxworthy