Pillow Fluffs are supposed to be Happy fluffs! 1 "WildeFaun"

It was the worst thing to happen, a sad pillow fluffy shouldn’t be possible, but CocoMelon was a very sad pillow fluffy. Her momma and all her siblings were pillow fluffs, her daddy treated them so well. All the TV to watch, lots of soft nummy food, pretty smelling not licky cleans with cloth, and best of all she never had to move.

But one day a bunch of scary men burst in to her housie and took daddy away. CocoMelon didn’t know what methamphetamines even were, it sounded made up like the absurd idea of a dancy babbeh. But soon the brown and pink filly was separated from her fluffy family too and thrown in this awful shelter.

It was an utter nightmare, not pillow fluffies everywhere! Running and playing, hugging and jumping, all over rules being broken! Worst of all they’ve fooled themselves into thinking they won’t be getting in trouble, she had to do something. With the biggest deepest breath CocoMelon could take.

“STOP, PWEASE! ONWY BAD BABBEHS HAB WEGGIES, GUD FWUFFIES NO AM SUPPOSE TO WUN AN PWAY, GUD FWUFFIES ONWY NEE MUMMAH AN DADDEH!” All the fluffies stopped and stared at her, good now the nice humans just need to take their leggies and no one will get punished! But the silence was broken cries and chirps the fluffies all broke out into a mob of angry at sad words all pointed at Cocomelon.

“Come here you little monster!” A shelter worker picked her up by her tail and dropped her into a small box. “Why do those pillower nut jobs have to be like that. Hey, Tomato! You ready to meet some new people?” “Yes mistah! Tahmayto am weady!” CocoMelon could hear them talking, a tiny hole in the box allowed her to see Tomato was another pillow fluff like her but why did he wiggle and bob so much!

The chime On the door rang as a family of four entered. A very typical family mother, father, son, and daughter. How ever the daughter held a raspberry colored alicorn with pale green blue wings. “Ok Ari, ready to pick out Mintberry’s new friend?” The daughter and alicorn look at their mother and nod in excited agreement as they quickly survey the many friendship candidates.

“Hello! Maybe you want to look at this little fella?” The volunteer brings the two over and introduces Tomato, who immediately begins to shake, jump, and wiggle in kind of a funny jig. “Oooh gosh, Minty! Look at him!” The alicorn surveys the yellow and red blotched pillow with an unimpressed stare.

No, this wasn’t right CocoMelon thought, he was a bad fluffy. He shouldn’t be doing any of that, he only needs to lay still and be cared for! It’s for all fluffies own good! She couldn’t take anymore and began to break the rules to keep the rules, she wiggled and thrashed as best as her weak little underdeveloped body could. “Thud”

Ariana and MintBerry looked down to the noise to see the pathetic little pillow fluffy laying next to a box trying to catch her breath after her collision with the floor. “Pwease, nu, huuhuu, nu take bad fwuffies, fwuffies, huu, onwy nee huu huu, onwy nee…” MintBerry wriggled out of her owners grasp and landed next to the exhausted brown and pink blob, CocoMelon was in shock.

Staring straight into her eyes CocoMelon could see something was wrong, this was more than a wingy pointy monster. Eyes that were possibly a beautiful green were horrifically damaged with many broken blood vessels changing them to a dreadful red black and her horn looked like it was super heated and polished to dull gray shine.

“Dis fwuffy.” Everyone stopped to look at the alicorn. “Dis fwuffy am MinBewwy nu fwen.” Tomato froze “wah, nu, pwease, tahmayto am nice fwuffy, nu ne notin. Onwy nee wub !” Tomato redoubled his dance as tears streamed down his cheeks. “You don’t want that one, they’re damaged goods.” MintBerry stamps her hoof cutting off the volunteer. “Nu! Dis babbeh am needin hewp an huggies.”

With barely contained disgust he hands over the papers for CocoMelon to the family and storms off. She wasn’t sure, her new little mummah rattled on and on about Jacks this, Deedee that, and Alvin did this. These must be other fluffies, but hopefully not like the leggy monster hugging her. " Ou am MinBewwy’s bestest babbeh, Minbewwy am gonna make ou ah bettah!" These word were quite and rather threatening, Coco couldn’t help but to shiver.

Back inside the shelter. “pwease, pwease sabe tahmayto, pwease. Tahmayto nu nee toysie, ow nummies ow sketti, tahmayto can num poopies. Pwease tahmayto nee wub, pwease, nu wan die, nu wan die, nu wan, pwease.”


This is a interesting angle. Pretty sure that i haven’t read a story about pillow fluffies who have been indoctrinated to believe that leg less is the natural state of good fluffies and that fluffies who aren’t leg less are bad by default before.


Indoctrinated pillows are too cute! Can’t wait for more. :black_heart:


With that name, it deserves all the misery that comes it’s way.


Actually I do slightly remember a story about a family of pillows who were made to believe that leggie fluffies were monsters. When a freshly pillowed stallion was added to their pen and they discovered he had legs they all freaked. For the life of me I can’t remember the title or author, but the ending was crazy!


The Hoofsie-Munstah and The Hoofsie-Munstah II both by Badmunsta.