Pinball and Jesse having a playdate (moonbunny-studios)


I oughta do more stuff here. Maybe once the studio gets set up, I can do some more art. In the meantime, I have this old piece ready to post and a story on the back burner, so maybe that’ll get finished sometime

(If anyone’s wondering what Jesse is based on, it’s a great gray shrike)


For anybody wondering.
Shrikes are horrible little bastard birds also called the butcher birds.
They take still living prey and impale them on thorn bushes as some sort of awfull pantry.

( if i recall correctly)

So they fit fluffies perfectly !

Exactly why Jesse is one! He’s too small to hunt adult Fluffies, but he does love using that exact strategy on foals.

A whole wall of impaled stil wriggling and writhing foals, in absolute agony.