Pinkie Part 7: Nyu Hewties (by Nundevwizer)

“Hewwo Mummah! How awe yu?”

Nancy looked down from her desk and saw the source of the tiny voice, it was Gaius, Pinkie’s alicorn baby. She smiled as bend down to pet him.

“I’m ok, Gaius. How are you?”

He closed his eyes and shook his hoof to her scratching his chin like a dog.

“Nu tuu bad. Mummah nu wet me neaw bwuddas an sissys as usuaw. Buh ah weast have bwown bwudda foa company an geh tu keep safe.”

It had been about two weeks since the birth and all the foals had names, along with Gaius, the brown poopie babbeh was Charlie, the dark blue foal was Aqua, the red unicorn was Luke, and the hot-pink foal was Princess. Outside her better judgment, Nancy let Pinkie name her firstborn, the other four had names picked out by either Nancy or Tyler, who had taken to watching over the foals on occasion when Nancy had to study. Luckily, he only felt tempted to hurt them once, and that was only with two of the five foals, the red and hot pink ones who were quickly starting to act rotten, were picking on Charlie.

On the topic of Charlie, Tyler’s prediction of him being the “poopie” babbeh was on point. Charlie was constantly being bullied by his siblings and neglected by Pinkie. The only ones who stood up for him were usually Nancy and Gaius, although Tyler would also come to his aid on occasion, mostly out of pity though. Thus, Pinkie and her none-poopie children have learned to avoid pestering Charlie whilst Nancy or Gaius were nearby.

Pinkie was with her three cherished children. Charlie sat in the corner of the playpen as he usually did, waiting for the only member of his family that loved him to come back.

“…Am su wonwy… whewe awe yu, Gaius?”

Nancy looks over at the playpen, seeing Charlie sitting near the edge looking glum.

“Come on, Gaius. Charlie needs you.”

Gaius stood straight up and waited for Nancy to pick him up.

“Den we hab nu time tu waste, mummah.”

Nancy gently picked him up in her right hand and put him inside the playpen next to Charlie.

“Yay! Wingie-pointy bwudda am hewe!”

“Wets pway, Chawie!”


Nancy smiled as the two ostracized foals played together near the edge of the playpen. Ever since Charlie opened his eyes, she was worried he wouldn’t have anyone to be with him, as after the other foals opened their eyes and started talking, they started treating Charlie horribly. Luke and Princess being the worst perpetrators, they would verbally abuse him, calling him ugly, a poopie, and that he didn’t deserve love or huggies, and that his only purpose in life was to eat poop and give “licky cleanies” to other more attractive fluffies. Recently, she had been catching them physically abusing him too, mostly they would beat him up, although their soft little hooves couldn’t do too much damage, it hurt just enough to send the message of their intense dislike of him. But the icing on the cake was that they would shit on him and force him to eat their poop and clean their asses by licking them.

Princess was the absolute worst since she would usually take the lead in bullying Charlie. Once Nancy caught her forcing Charlie to lick her shit-caked ass. Nancy tried to force Pinkie to punish her, but to no avail as Pinkie always came to Princess’s support. So, Nancy had to punish Princess by putting her in a cardboard box for a couple of hours. In the end, the punishment didn’t have the desired effect as Pinkie would simply turn a blind eye to everything Princess did.

As Gaius and Charlie played with a red ball, Princess watched them from a short distance. Aqua was off on playing with a set of blocks with Luke. Princess hated that Charlie and Gaius got their names first instead of her. She would actively refuse to acknowledge their names and called them what fluffies usually called alicorns and brown fluffies; Munstah and Poopie. Nancy punished her multiple times for it, but the lesson she would be trying to teach would be instantly forgotten once she was in Pinkie’s presence.

“Dummeh ugwy poopie bwudda… Pwincess wan baww…” However, she couldn’t make a move for the red ball she desired as Gaius was there with Charlie, she’d need to wait until they split before she could try to get it. she wouldn’t have to wait long as Gaius stopped abruptly in the middle of him playing with Charlie.

“Why nu pway nu moa, Gaius? Hab owwies? Nee huggies?”

Gaius scrunched his legs as he felt the urge to pee intensify rapidly.

“Am nee to gu mae gud peepees weaw bad! Be wight back!”

Gaius sprinted over to the litterbox to do his business, leaving Charlie alone with the bright red ball. Princess’s opportunity had come. With an evil grin on her face, Princess approached Charlie who now stood guard of the ball until Gaius came back. Charlie noticed her and waved to her.

“Hewwo sista! Wan pway?”

Princess didn’t bother with pleasantries and immediately went straight to the reason she was there.

“Pwincess wan baww. Yu gib baww tu Pwincess nao! Dummeh!”

Charlie frowned a little. “Pwease nu use meanie wowdies sissy… huhu… wan pway?”

Princess smacked Charlie across the face with her hoof. He fell to the ground holding his hoof to his face crying. “Why sissy gib hewites?! Huhu!” She stood over him as he held his face.

“Ugwy poopie babbeh!” She turned around and showed her bum to him. “Tae sowwy poopies!” She then showered him in shit. He cowered and covered his face as feces rained down on him.


Princess finished and walked over to the red ball.

“Dummeh! Poopie babbehs nu desewb toysies an wub! Onwy poopies an hewties!” She then pushed the ball away, laughing as she chased it.


Meanwhile Gaius was finishing his business in the litterbox.

“…mmmm…. Dewe! Aww done!”

“Huhuuu! Bwudda! Hewp!”

Gaius looked up and saw Charlie covered in poop while noticing Princess nearby playing with the ball by herself.

“Don wowwy bwudda! Am comin!” Gaius immediately sprinted out of the box to his brother’s aid. Once he arrived, Charlie was a sniveling mess of feces and tears. “Don wowwy bwudda! Eyeww get mummah!”

Charlie immediately thought Gaius was referring to Pinkie. “NU! Nu wan meanie mummah!” chirp!

Gaius comforted him. “Eye mean oda mummah.” Gaius then lifted his head and called for Nancy.

“Mummah! Mummah! Chawie hab owwies!”

Nancy came over quickly and was shocked at the sight of Charlie covered in shit.

“What happened?!”

Charlie epped out what happened to Nancy. “Sissy… gib sowwy poopies…” chirp “…and hawt hewties… an meanie namesies…” chirp! “…den tae baww… wan huggies…”

Nancy felt tears well in her eyes for a second, then she sharply turned to Princess, pressing her teeth in anger as she looked at her.


Princess stopped playing with the ball and sat facing Nancy.

“Did you do this to your brother?!” Nancy pointed to Charlie sniveling while still lying on his side crying. Princess feigned ignorance.

“Bestest babbeh nu du dat! It be poopie munstah!”

Nancy knew Princess was lying and decided to drag Pinkie in.


Pinkie looked up from watching her red and blue foals playing and saw Nancy angry and Charlie covered in shit.

“Wah am wong, mummah?”

Nancy didn’t mince words.

“Why did you let your daughter poop on Charlie?!”

Pinkie did as she usually did… Not care about Charlie’s welfare.

“Dat am poopie babbeh. An poopie babbehs onwy desewb poopies.”

Needless to say that Nancy was not happy with Pinkie’s answer and so, she grabbed Princess from the playpen.


Nancy then called for Tyler. “Tyler!”

A moment later, Tyler came briskly walking into Nancy’s room.

“What did she do now, Nancy?” Tyler would often be called into Nancy’s room to deal with one misbehaving fluffy or another as they had been interacting a little more as they tried to help raise Pinkie’s foals.

“Princess just shit all over poor Charlie!” She pointed to the sad little brown fluffy shaking from the cold as the wet poop sapped the heat from his body.

Tyler pinched the bridge of his nose. “How do you want to do this?” He asked.

“I’ll punish Princess this time, I just need you to clean Charlie, okay?”

Tyler didn’t mind this as he had gotten used to cleaning up Charlie after confrontations with his mother-approved siblings. He stepped past Nancy and gently picked up Charlie.

“huhuhuu!.. nu wike nu pwetty poopie smeww…”

Tyler slowly stood up. “It’s okay. We’re getting you cleaned up.” Tyler then took Charlie to the bathroom while Nancy took Princess to the kitchen who cried for Pinkie as they disappeared from the room.


“BESTEST BABBEH! NUUUUUU!” It was no use; Pinkie couldn’t stop Nancy from punishing Princess. Gaius took the opportunity to sneak out of the playpen and followed Tyler to the bathroom where he watched Tyler clean Charlie in the sink.

“It’s going to be okay, buddy. I just need to get you a little wet to get the shit out.”

Charlie squirmed in Tyler’s hand as the water warmed up.

“NU! Wawa bad foa babbeh! Pwease nu hewties!”

Gaius stepped into the bathroom giving Charlie words of reassurance.

“It am otay, bwudda! Wawa tae away da poopies.”

Tyler looked at Gaius wondering how he got out of the playpen, then returned his attention to cleaning Charlie. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Nancy had Princess sitting in the sink as she took out her chosen tools of punishment.

“Nu wike sowwy sink! Wet Bestest babbeh gu!”

Nancy had sitting on the counter, the old rubber swatter, a squirt gun, a can of shaving cream, and a razor, she even had Tyler’s handmade sorry-stick for good measure. She initially thought of using the sorry stick but thought it could cause some unwanted damage, so she instead opted for the swatter that Tyler used to use on Pinkie. Swinging it in her hand to test its weight, it bobbed back and forth. She smiled once the brief inspection confirmed the swatter was ready for use.

“Wet Bestest babbeh out nao! Ow geh sowwy poopies!” Nancy slapped the swatter in her hand as she looked at Princess’s undamaged backside.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” She said. “But this is for your own good.” She held up Princess’s tail and then brought the hammer… or swatter… down on Princess’s butt.



Nancy swung again.



Nancy swung again with a little extra force to drive it home.



Nancy waited a moment before making the next swing.

“Nu moa hewties, pwease! Am gud babbeh!”



Nancy slapped Princess a couple more times, leaving the pink foal in a worse shape than how she left Charlie.

“PWINCESS SOWWY FOA GIB SOWWY POOPIES TO POO- eh… bwown bwudda! An wowsest heawt hewties! Pwease wet Pwincess owt!”

Nancy thought pretended to think about it for a moment.

“Alright, Princess. I’ll let you out. But only if you promise that you won’t hurt your brother again, or else you’ll end up right back here. Do you understand?”

Princess frantically nodded her head as she was still feeling the sting of the swatter on her posterior.

“Pwincess undastan! Wiww neba gib hewties owa poopies to bwudda again! Pwease wet Pwincess owt! Wan see mummah!” Nancy took hold of the sniveling pink fluffy and moved her to the other half of the sink to clean her off. A few minutes later, Nancy walked back into her room with Princess cowering in her palm to find Tyler holding Charlie in his one hand whilst feeding him from the bottle held in his other hand. Nancy was surprised by this sight as usually Tyler would avoid doing this. Gaius sat on Tyler’s lap keeping a watchful eye on his brown brother.

She cleared her throat, and his head snaps up to look at her.

“…I take it our little pink troublemaker finally got the message?”

Nancy stepped past him and placed Princess down in the playpen, who immediately ran to her mother.

“Mummah! Hab hewties! Nee huggies!”

Pinkie sat down and held out her front legs to receive Princess with a hug.

“Bestest Babbeh!” Princess ran into Pinkie’s legs that wrapped around her as she cried.

“Mummah! Meanie mummah gib bestest babbeh poopie pwace owwies!”

Pinkie cooed as she hugged Princess.

“Mummah am hewe! Gib bestest babbeh bestest huggies.”

They both cooed in each other’s embrace as Nancy stood beside Tyler watching.

“I’m starting to think they’re both getting to a point of no return, Tyler.”

Tyler looked from her to the playpen as he finished feeding Charlie.

“They’ve already passed that point, Nancy. Pinkie is not only a full smarty, but she’s also a bestest mummah too. The best we can do is prevent it from spreading to the other foals. Luckily, I think only Aqua is at risk since Luke and Princess are already screwed.”


They both look at Charlie who just burped.

“Chawie am fuww nao. Am gu sweepies.” Charlie then fell asleep on Tyler’s lap as Gaius watched from his side. Both Tyler and Nancy smiled as Charlie snored like two proud parents.

About a week later, once the foals had grown a little, Nancy decided to move Pinkie and her litter into the living room, with the playpen keeping them near the staircase. Nancy was tired as she sat on the couch watching over Pinkie and her foals. Like everyone else, she had been studying for finals. She had just wrapped up several hours of studying and was now waiting for her professors to send her the exams.

Charlie sat towards the edge of the middle of the playpen with his brother Gaius as they stacked blocks together.

“Wub bwockies! Wub bwudda!”

Gaius made an interesting arrangement with the blocks, with three at the bottom, two in the middle, and one on top forming a step pyramid.

“Dewe! Aww done!”

Charlie smiled and clapped his hooves together.

“Yay! Bwudda mae bestest stackies ebba!”

Nearby towards the wall, Pinkie sat there watching Charlie and Gaius. She absolutely despised them, especially after the incident with Princess. Nancy took the poopie babbeh’s side and gave Princess poopie place hurties. Ever since Pinkie wanted to get revenge as Princess had spent the rest of that day crying in Pinkie’s embrace. However, she never got the opportunity to get it… until now. Gaius, for his good behavior, was allowed to leave the playpen and go wherever he wanted as long as someone would be in whatever room he wanted to go. Usually, he would only leave to go to the kitchen to use the litterbox there as he preferred his privacy when doing his business, besides it had become dangerous for him and Charlie to use the litterbox in the pen as Pinkie or their other siblings would take the opportunity to attack them when they were vulnerable.

As Charlie cheered, Gaius heard a gurgle in his tummy. It was time for his 2 o’clock.

“Eye nee gu mae gud poopies. Yu wanna come?” Charlie stopped cheering to inspect himself for the urge to gu. He shook his head.

“Nu. Am gud, bwudda.” Gaius checked Pinkie and their siblings, they were either asleep or preoccupied playing with each other so Gaius didn’t think Charlie would be in immediate danger if he left him alone for a few seconds, plus it normally didn’t take Gaius long to do his business anyway, so he didn’t see much harm leaving Charlie in the pen by himself for a moment.

“Awight. Eye’ww be back.”

Gaius lept over the pen and went to the litterbox in the kitchen. As Charlie was alone and admiring the block pyramid Gaius built, Pinkie saw that Nancy had fallen asleep. Her chance at revenge had come. She gets up and walks over to Charlie. As she approaches, Charlie notices her and smiles.

“Mummah! Wook at wah Gaius bwockie towwa!”

Charlie, unlike Gaius, never stopped his attempts at getting Pinkie to love him. Thus, he still showed her love and affection, even when she didn’t.

“Dat am uqwy munstah bwockie towwa!” Pinkie dashed the tower to the ground, scattering the blocks.

Charlie was shocked. “Huhu. Why Mummah knock oba bwockie towwa? Huhu.”

Pinkie then turned her attention to Charlie. “Dummeh ugwy poopie babbeh!”


Pinkie smacked Charlie across the face with her hoof, sending him flying onto his side.

“Owwies! Huhuhuu! Bwudda! Hewp Chawie! Huhu!”

Princess was watching from the sidelines with Luke as Pinkie assaulted their rejected brown brother.

“Dummeh poopie bwudda get wowsest hewties.”

“Tehehe!” Luke laughed.

“Wets gib poopie bwudda wowsest hewties tu!”

“Yay!” The two foals ran over to Pinkie and Charlie. Aqua was asleep on a small pillow, thus didn’t take part in the abuse of Charlie. This would end up being his saving grace later.

Charlie was on his side, bleeding from his nose as a result of the impact from Pinkie’s hoof.

kaff! “Why Mummah?! Why gib babbeh -kaff! facie hewties?! Huhu!”

As he tried to get up Pinkie put her hoof down on top of his leg and as she pressed down, she rolled his leg underneath, dislocating it with a light pop.”


Nancy was so out of it, even his screams didn’t wake her up and everyone else was in their room doing their own thing, out of earshot of Charlie’s cries of pain. Charlie was now flailing his other three legs in an attempt to squeeze out of Pinkie’s grip. It was useless. Princess and Luke had arrived, and they started beating up poor Charlie as he tried to cover his face in an attempt to protect himself.

“Tae dis, poopie!”

“Nu desewb wuv an huggies! Onwy poopies an hewties!”

Gaius, after an abnormally long shit, appeared in the doorway and was horrified by the sight before him.


Pinkie, Princess, and Luke were beating up Charlie. Normally, Gaius would rush into Charlie’s side to protect him, but he was outnumbered three to one and he could end up like Charlie too. He needed to act smart, he needed to wake up Nancy. She could stop this before it goes too far. He runs around to her legs and starts tapping on them to wake her up.

“Mummah! Chawie am in twoubwe! Pwease wakies! Pwease! Bwudda nee hewp!” It was no use, she was deep asleep.

Charlie was now a mess of bruises, blood, and swollen tissue. His right eye was black, and blood trickled from his nose from multiple punches from his siblings.

Princess then spoke to Pinkie. “Mummah! Gib poopie babbeh foweba sweepies foa gib bestest babbeh hewties!”

Charlie then went into panic mode. Struggling to get free of Pinkie’s hoof.

“NU! Nu wan gu foa ebba sweepies! Pwease! Mummah! Sabe babbeh!”

Pinkie’s hoof lifted and for a moment Charlie thought he was free… until he felt her hoof come crashing down on his pelvis.


“SCREEEEEEEE!! WOWSEST HEWTIES!! HUHUUU!!” She had almost squished his lower region, but it was pretty badly damaged as he couldn’t feel his legs anymore.

“Poopie babbeh gu foweba sweepies!”

Pinkie lifted her hoof again and aimed a little higher for Charlie’s center of mass. Gaius had been running around trying to find a way to wake up Nancy.

“Huhu! Why Mummah nu wakies?” He then noticed Brutus laying down beside the chair opposite the playpen. And then an idea popped into Gaius’s head.


He runs over and stood in front of the dog. Brutus was awake but wasn’t reacting to Charlie’s screams much other than whining about the noise. Gaius got along well with Doug’s dogs as they effectively adopted him as an orphan pup to watch over. Gaius would sometimes play with Brutus and Goliath, occasionally trying to talk to them by barking. He never understood what they “said” but the dogs took it as a lesson to Gaius how to vocalize himself to ward off threats. As Brutus lifted his head to look at Gaius, Gaius started communicating to Brutus in his tongue.

“Arf arf arf!”

Brutus then started barking too.


They kept at it for just a couple seconds as Nancy started to wake up.

“Will you keep it down, Brutus?!”

Gaius watched as Pinkie brought her hoof down… and missed as Charlie rolled over, inadvertently punching Princess in the face.

“EEEP! Mummah!! Poopie bwudda gib Pwincess hewties!! Huhu!”

This served to enrage Pinkie as she stomped the floor again, missing once more.

“Tae dis poopie munstah!”

Gaius then tried barking louder hoping to get Brutus stirred up.



Pinkie stomped and missed again, but between Gaius and Brutus barking and the slight vibrations in the floor from Pinkie’s stomping, Nancy was finally being roused from her slumber.

“What’s going on?!” She said groggily.


At that moment. Pinkie brought her hoof down and the room echoed with a sickening crunch as she crushed Charlie underneath.


As Pinkie lifted her hoof, Charlie as a mangled mess of crushed ribs that poke out of his chest, mangled legs, and some shit and piss that come from the two successful impacts of her hoof, he twitched as the life in him was escaping his body. His eyes were bloodshot and bulging. Gaius stood teary-eyed in disbelief and screamed.


Charlie being crushed and Gaius’s scream finally snapped Nancy awake and she was immediately made aware of the scene; Pinkie stood with her right front hoof covered in blood, and single mashed Charlie beneath, struggling to hold on to life.

“CHARLIE!!!” She screamed. Not even half a second passed before the house was filled with the sounds of footsteps as everyone ran out into the living room to find out what was going on. Tyler was the first to show and then Brandon, Doug, and Denise.

“What’s going on in here?!” Denise asked, and his eyes answered for him.

Nancy was down on her knees with Charlie’s crushed and almost lifeless body rested in her hands.

“Charlie…” As tears flowed from her eyes, Charlie coughed.


She inhaled.

“M…mummah… kaff nu wan… gu… kaff foweba… sweepies… pwease…”

Nancy felt her heart tighten as she watched the little brown foal struggled to breathe. Gaius watched as tears flowed from his eyes. Waiting with bated breath to see if his beloved brother would survive. Tyler knelt beside Nancy with his hand on her shoulder as he waited to see what would happen next.

“Mummah… kaff hab… su… many…. Hewties kaff wan… huggies…”

Nancy slowly held Charlie to her as he drew his last breaths.

kaff Dank ou… mummah… wub… ou… kaff…. Uhhhh……”

Charlie let out his final breath in Nancy’s embrace.

“Charlie?..” Nancy waited, hoping to hear him take another breath, but he didn’t. He was gone.

“Charlie?” She asked again, hoping to hear his voice again.

“Nancy.” Tyler said. “He’s gone.” It was too much for her to bear and she started to cry.

“Oh god…” As she broke down, Tyler hugged her from behind. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

Nancy then immediately turned around and hugged him back. Almost squeezing him as she tried to let it out.

Gaius slowly became inconsolable as he realized the weight of the situation. Charlie had gone forever sleepies and Gaius would never see him or play with him again.

“Chawie!!! Huhu! Gaius am sowwy eye couwdn sabe yu! Huhu!”

Oddly enough, Tyler let out a few tears over the now-dead brown fluffy as Nancy held him tight. Doug, Denise, and Brandon joined in as they mourned Charlie’s passing.

“Mummah?” The mourning was interrupted by Pinkie,

“Can Bestest mummah and Bestest babbeh hab skettis nao?”

Everyone noticed Pinkie’s bloodied hoof and knew right away who was responsible for Charlie’s death, Nancy in particular, as she stared hard at the soft Pink fluffy, her grieving sadness changed to uncontrollable rage as something in her snapped from Pinkie’s inappropriate request.

“You… BASTARD!!” She bellowed. Everyone recoiled in shock as Nancy typically never swore. Pinkie cowered a little, not knowing what she was in for.

“Nu bad wowdies pwease, mummah!”

The next couple moments would go by in a flash for everyone else, but for Nancy, it would feel like an eternity. She got up and out of Tyler’s embrace and grabbed Pinkie by the tail, before hauling her off to the kitchen. Tyler and Doug followed her. Nancy fast-walked to the kitchen counter with Pinkie swinging in her grip. Nancy then swung Pinkie onto the counter with a thump.

“Owwies! Why mummah gib bestest mummah hewties?”

Nancy pressed her teeth together in anger, only managing to keep somewhat calm for half a second before unleashing her fury at the fluffy murderer.


Tyler and Doug stood by the doorway as Denise and Brandon waited in the living room, listening to the exchange from a distance.


She grabbed a knife from a wooden block that sat near the wall on the counter.


She slapped her hand down on Pinkie’s back to hold her down.

“UuuuHuuu! Nu moa hewties mummah! Pwease!”



The knife came down once and one of Pinkie’s legs came off. She screamed in intense pain.


Tyler and Doug flinched as they heard the knife cut through skin and bone in the blink of an eye.



The knife sliced through another leg.





Another leg.




Pinkie’s remaining leg came off.

“SCREEEEEEEE!!! Bestest mummah am dummeh fwuffy nao! Huhuuu! Wan weggies! Huhuu!”


She rose the knife above her head.

“Nancy! Stop!”

As she was about to bring the knife down on Pinkie’s neck, Tyler rushed in and grabbed her arm.

“SCREEEEEEE!!” Pinkie screamed and closed her eyes.

He managed to stop the knife from cutting Pinkie’s head off by just a couple inches. Tyler held Nancy’s wrist in his hand, his knuckles white as Nancy just stared in Pinkie’s direction.

“Nancy! That’s enough.” Tyler said. She looked around at him, meeting his gaze.

“It’s over. She can’t hurt anyone now.”

She then turned toward Pinkie and then the knife. Coming to the realization that Pinkie had broken her, she dropped the knife onto the counter, it harmlessly clattered as it came to rest. Then she brought her hands up to look at them. They were shaking from the rush of energy that came from the fury of witnessing Pinkie murder her own foal.

Nancy then looked at the now pillowed Pinkie sitting on the counter next to the sink. She saw Pinkie’s disembodied legs sitting beside her where they came to rest after they were cut off.


Nancy then turned around and stared Tyler in the eye. “Tyler… I…” He had a look of concern on his face as she tried to speak. Doug stood by at the doorway waiting to see what would happen next. Nancy then broke down into tears again and buried her face in Tyler’s shoulder. He rubbed her head with one hand and held her back with the other as she cried.


She was beside herself, but Tyler did what he could to calm her down.

“Nancy. You’re not at fault here. She killed Charlie and you wanted revenge for what she did. She is the guilty party here. Not you. It’s okay.”

Nancy sniffled as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “I can… I can’t take this anymore Tyler. I thought she would get better but…”

Tyler held her close again as she squeezed out some more tears.

“Fluffies aren’t like us, Nancy. They don’t think like us. They aren’t meant to get better. They only exist as living toys essentially. But you know the truth now.”

Nancy nodded as she wiped her nose. Doug handed her a tissue from the table.

“Thanks Doug.” She blew her nose as the tears stopped falling.

“And thank you Tyler.” Tyler nodded.

“We both know she has done. There is no redemption for her now. What do you want to do with her?”

Nancy turned back at Pinkie who was still mourning the loss of her legs.

“Huhuhuuuuu! Nu can gib huggies to bestest babbeh’s nu moa! Nu can wun owa pway nu moa! Am dummeh fwuffy nao! Huhuhuuuu!”

Nancy then looked at Tyler again and told him her wish.

“I don’t want her anymore. I want her gone.”

Tyler nodded. “I understand.”

“I have just one request, Tyler.” She said.

“Go on.” He replied.

“I want you to do what you do best and make her suffer the worst fate a fluffy can endure.”

Tyler raised his eyebrows for a moment and then lowered them as an evil grin appeared on his face.

“It will be done.”


YEEEESS I Cannot wait


Finally! Nancy has seen the light. Can’t wait for Pinkie to suffer


Skin Princess alive and stick a knife up Pinkie’s cunt so she never had foals again.

That self-entitled bitch needs to suffer


Even though it hurts for the loss of Charlie I’d love to see her abused. Normally, I’d recommend a swift death. For a bad fluffy, however. But she isn’t a fluffy anymore.

She has gone full hellgremlin. There is no love for those…only death.


Charlie :sob:!!! Nooooo!!!

When they are killing Charlie and Nancy is fast asleep its like you wanna shout and shake her to wake up!!!

Those fucking 2 foals are dead!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Aqua seems safe on this.

Pinkie got to feel Nancy’s wrath. Her worst is ASKING for a fucking sketti!!! :grimacing:

Can’t wait for the horror awaits them!!! :smiling_imp:


when you find a thicc JUICY story to read

(havent read any of this yet but will binge it :slight_smile:


The only thing that angers me even more is that Tyler knew. He knew about the chances this could happen. And he shut up about it to have a fluffy to abuse. Fuck Tyler.


That time when he knew the bitch was pregnant and he didn’t say anything.


Yeah, he’s a prick. Goddamn well written character, one that makes you want to punch him square in the jaw.

Also p.s. @FallenAngel007 only poor Charlie died, Gaius is still alive.


I know :sob: its just sad he is alone and hoping aqua is a good substitute …

I hate luke’s laugh and fucking princess bitch shitty attitude of a spoiled sob!

The writting is damn good just almost wanna shake Nancy to frikkin wake up its a bit soap opera scene when its in an important life and death situation and the suppose savior is doing something else.


Call me an asshole but I would’ve done the exact same thing that tyler did, but maybe keep the two good foals in a separate pen.

Nancy (at the time) wasn’t exactly super fond of him so even if he told him she would’ve called him a lying abusing piece of shit, and would’ve accused him of trying to drive a rift between her and her “pwecious wittwe baby”.

Even IF tyler showed her bitch mares and smarties and shit like that on youtube she would probably go “those are bad fluffies, my perfect Pinkie would never do that”, y’know like some moms would do IRL, “my son would never hurt your dog/cat, he’s a perfect little angel”.

Bottom line Nancy needed to be tought a lesson, the hard way. Charlie had to die so Nancy can see fluffies for what they are, sweet simple things that can become monsters if bad behaviour isn’t curbed IMMEDIATELY.


No, sorry. You don’t get to decide whether an animal lives or dies just to prove a point. And if you do leave them together, at least do so when you are nearby so you can swoop in and save them.

Once grown up they would have been clearly aggressive towards them, but at least then they’d have been grown fluffies vs grown fluffies, not talkie babbehs vs grown fluffy, which can only end one way.

Moreover, it was already shown that Nancy had understood that Pinkie needed punishments. She punished Princess in this very chapter, for crying out loud.

Had it been the Nancy of a few chapters back, then perhaps I’d understand it. Not approve it though. But now she had realized they can be mean to one another. She simply, unlike that brat Tyler, didn’t know they could get murderous.

Allowing a living being to die just to teach a lesson is callous and shows one’s more interested in the “recipient” of the “lesson”'s suffering. You don’t do it to help save lives, just to see another suffer.

Obviously the “you” is a general you, not you you.


I will admit Tyler fucked up by not letting Nancy know that they CAN kill each other over petty things like this and by not helping protect Charlie/Gaius more but I suppose he (like many others in the fluffyverse) doesn’t see them as living things/animals.

I stand by what I said, Nancy needed to be tought a lesson, to see first hand that these things are capable of hate/bigotry just as much as they are capable of love and compassion.

I will say it again, the only thing I would’ve done differently is put the outcast duo in a separate pen/area, the worst they’ll get is sorry poopies and maybe a nicked ear.

I assume you also dislike Tyler for also not telling Nancy about Pinkie’s pregnancy, yes? Again would’ve done the exact same thing as Tyler here, because if he told her and he’s like “you need to abort them”, she would’ve called him a monster and they wouldn’t have became good friends again and he wouldn’t have a crush on her, you need to put yourself in Tyler’s shoes.


At the end of the day I think Tyler acts only to have an excuse to gain free abuse material.

Warning someone about a pregnant fluffy is not the same as advising them to abort immediately.

That’s the difference between caring about someone and allowing them to get hurt so you can say “told you so”.

Already putting the two foals in a separate pen would have been the difference between life and death.

Plus, she already knows they can be mean to each other. She punished Princess for literally crapping on her brother out of despise for his color. In this very chapter, I might add. If you warn someone about a real danger and they ignore you and tragedy strikes when you can’t help it, well, what can you do?

But if you let it happen, you are an accomplice in said tragedy happening, purely out of desire to see someone suffer in the hope that they “learn something”. And not straight up deck you once they learn you could have intervened/withhold crucial information.


the thing about the pregnancy warning is it would’ve started a conversation about what to do and Tyler of course will suggest an abortion (due to the whole landlord issue), and since Nancy (at the time) thinks he’s an abusive monster, she’ll think he’s just saying that to hurt Pinkie (who at the time was still in her good graces), she might not let him help her with Pinkie’s delivery, she might not listen him in regards to bestest babbehs or munstah/poopie babbehs (still assuming him to be a massive abusive dick), she’d leave them alone, thinking it’s all swell and come back to two dead/eaten babbehs.

I feel like Nancy should’ve just googled some info about all this fluffy business, it would’ve all worked out in the end, with or without Tyler’s knowledge.

I’ll say again Tyler did fuck up by not separating the outcasts from the family.

Oh and also just because Nancy knows they can be mean doesn’t mean she knows that they can murder other fluffies (even ones as close as direct siblings), she might’ve assumed it’s a normal bullying issue (like the shit that happens IRL in schools for example) and it would stop at sorry poopies/hoovsies.


That is exactly why I hold it against him to not having warned her.

I mean, besides being an abusive twit who cares more about having a stressball fluffy than his supposed friend’s wellbeing.


Gonna be real here- Nancy’s the one ultimately at fault for everything Pinky did and became. It was HER choice to not punish Pinky for acting out at the start, and forgiving everything she did. Nancy is the worst sort of parent- the one that thinks discipline is the same as abuse and so becomes too permissive. In that sort of enviroment, something as simple and selfish as Pinky was inevitably going to become a hellgremlin. None of her roommates, Tyler included, should have felt under any obligation to try to ‘inform’ her of the consequences of her actions since it should have been obvious from the start.

If I’d have done anything different as a roommate, I’d have tried to convince the others to force Nancy and Pinky out right at the start of the story.


you mist the point for mosst Humans in that world their no Animals, i would even their to say that many peopel in our world wouldnt see them as animals.

After Tyler took an gag, he threw Pinkie in the basement table. His personal inner sanctum.
He tied her up, like the worm she was. And then, he gagged her mouth. And while she was screaming and huhuuing, and crying, Tyler spoke.

“I want you to know that i understand. Even though natural enemies you and i, i understand the instincts that drive you.”
He turned around, and still was talking.
“I was there the day Brutus and Goliath chewed down on your mother, father and brothers. I close my eyes, i can still hear the screams and the chewing. When i think about that”
Tyler turned around back to Pinkie.
“I thought: That’s pure ecstasy. You were probaly their bestest babbeh, right, since you survived … Nah, you were probally the worst, since you survived due to isolation.”
He went a bit closer to Pinkie, and felt her breath caughing his face.
“If you guys weren’t pestering the enviroment as ferals … But perhaps we humans do the same thing, right? But that’s not the nature’s way, right ? Now your family is dead somewhere. And here i am, stronger than ever.”
He smiled as he smirked to her, and said:
“This isn’t torture, or cruelty, This is justice.”
Then, he went straight with his posture.
“When my best friend, went agaisnt me my ONLY friend, well, you can’t feel that unless you were also betrayed.”
He hugged himself.
“In kindergarden i were asked to stop leeching on him, but i couldn’t bear to see him going with other people. I never got to have trusted secret keepers. But HE did. He was mine. And you took it from me.”
He put the hand on her neck.
“Why did you do that?”
Then he took off.
“It doesn’t matter now.”
He turned around and went out, taking Luke and Princess. Her bestest babbehs, and going again in the basement.
“Your children are a beauty too. Their forms, their colours … They must be your favourites”
The mother gagged.
“I know i know, you don’t have favourites anymore. But you still killed one of your litter.”
He then heard her gettin gagged, and talked:
“Sorry, i can’t understand you. It must be frustrating being on your position, But you still could have the perfect life you always wanted to if you were a good girl. But you made your choice. You chose to be a smartie.”
Pinkie started to squirm and move, also shit herself.
“We all have to live with our choices.”
He kept smiling as he saw the enemy at his mercy.
“I don’t sleep very well. I kept thinking about how can i make fluffies suffer more. How can i revenge myself for the fluffy that turned my best friend agaisnt me? The survivor.”
He talked, still patting her head.
“I thought about giving you hidden to Brutus and Goliath. Perhaps it would unite your family.”
He then, took the pair of foals chirping on his hand. The projects smartie.
“I thought about perhaps giving your children to Brutus and Goliath. You would be watching the life roll again, and you staying here.”
He then, took with another hand the gag on her mouth and put the chirping foals on it’s mouth, then, he put again the gag, while the children were still chirping.
“You won’t die here. You will live. Live and watch your best children be your first food for a time. After it. I’ll sew your mouth. You will be a milk mare. You’ll have a shitting tube and a feeding tube. And you’ll see your surviving children grow. Grow and be happy. The children you hate the most, having the most love and hugs. All the while you will be contemplating the mistakes you made.”
He then, suspired.
“Then, if you are still worth something, you’ll be sold to a breeder. And if you aren’t, i’ll personally drive you to the city dumpster and throw you there. After it, you can die of hunger, exposure or intoxication for all i care. Your last days will be filled with suffering on your nostrils and your belly, Or with your vagina bleeding. Enjoy your new life.”
After the little speech, he turned his back, going again upwards to take something to drink, as a bit of comemoration to the fact that the mare was on peril. After a time when he thinks that the fluffy ate her favourite children, he’ll adjust the milkmare.