Thanks man!
The moustache makes me laugh so hard
Ive debated the mechanics of how it is attached for much time, though I will let Dave keep his secrets.
I legit curl my mustache. I stopped for the longest time due to covid.
I question not the eldritch noodles. I know all too well how terrible their dread power truly is.
I keep crazy, old timey sideburns.
We all have our preferences lol
I love when a period piece musical comes up 'cause it gives me an excuse to rock the chops lol.
Rainbows really do make Scout cry!
Is Scout, uh, gonna fill the fluffy with Mad Milk?
No, just bathe them in tears of joy!
I adore all of these, although I’m emotionally torn with the one in the frying pan lol
Why so?
Well for one I find it funny but also I feel bad for the little fantasy creature because he’s suffering lol. Either way, you do great work with your pixel art
Thank you very much, it’s probably my favorite piece I’ve done.
That’s so Pringles.
Omg Mocha and Jimi on top of SpaghettiDave
you haven’t forgoten where you are, right?
Heavens no, I’m still a hugboxer at heart