Play Paper Dolls with me (ambitiousleather8309)

I have made fluffy pony paper dolls for you to trace, edit, otherwise alter however you see fit. Give them faces. Give them stories. Give them giant dicks, I dgaf I know you were thinking it. If your lack of artistic skill, or a lack of inspiration had been holding you back, fear not! With this handy dandy kit of doodles, YOU TOO can make a fluffy pony comic strip with any drawing or photo editing app that allows you to draw, cut, and paste.


  1. Follow the site rules, Dummeh!
  2. Have fun!

(and also tag me, if you remember, i could use a laugh)

(white background)

(just the lines)

I have included wings and horns, a few facial expressions for inspo, as well as a blank face in the bottom left corner so you can add your own manes.

I have included a few backgrounds as well!

. /)/)
( . .)
( づ♡

But Seriously

Everything I’ve ever posted to this site belongs to ALL of you. Everyone has ongoing and implied permission to use anything ive uploaded in any way you see fit. (Obviously dont be a dick and try to claim its your 100% original creation or try to make a profit off what i freely give.)

If you’re inspired, if you have a better idea, if you want to write a story or art based in anything i’ve posted, DO IT, and tag me because I want to see it. If you wanted to alter or finish any of my text posts, DO IT, and I wanna see. If your story is good, its canon; if it sucks, its an alternate timeline.

I am honored to have sparked a lil creativity in another artist.

I’m not going to be online much bc I gotta deal with IRL nonsense like a real art job and marrying my girlfriend and vacation and moving up in the world and believing in my own success and gay shit like that, but I’ll check in when I can. Love you, you fuckin degenerate sick fucks.



Nahhhh broo

All the best, Ambitious. Wishing you nothing but success out there in the real world. :black_heart:

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congrats Ambi!! i wish you the best of luck out there! i hope to run into you whenever you do get the chance to pop in. Love you Ambi! much wub!


Best of luck out there in the real world


Let’s see what I can whip up on my phone :3

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proceeds to put eyes on the udders and turn the figure upside down



fucking shit
I’m not sorry

Amazing :star_struck:

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