Poll regarding a future title (common_miracle)

Something is in the making and I need You to get my goals straight.

Your votes are anonymous for other users.


Would you prefer the game to be a web game or a downloadable .exe?
  • HTML5 Web game (loading time upon first launch, slightly worse graphics, readily available, auto-updates).
  • Windows Game (download from Itch.IO, almost no loading times, manual updates with in-game reminders, slightly better graphics and performance).
  • I wish the game was for Android devices.
0 voters
Would you like to see development updates?
  • Yeah, all the time.
  • I would prefer news only when the game is in a playable state.
  • Nah, I don’t care until you release the game.
0 voters
Should the game be directly linked to fluffies?
  • Yeah, use fluffy names, terms and even direct links to fluffy content.
  • It would be better to not use direct links and change naming conventions to not relate to fluffies directly (basically game about fluffies without them being named so)
  • No, too much exposition (game would only feature fluffy-like creatures)
0 voters
Are you fine with monetization of the game?
  • I can accept anything as long as the game is good enough.
  • I can accept in-game monetization as long as it is optional.
  • I can accept only asking for voluntary donations.
0 voters

Thanks you for participating (if you did). Independently from whatever you chose, there won’t be much news regarding what I’m making in the nearest time. I also won’t be answering questions about the gameplay. Stay tuned!


Mom said it’s MY turn to make a fluffy game :gibsketties:


welp i guess it’s time for me to start making my vr fluffy game

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Are you the one who was asking how to train an AI?

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“Sign my petition or I’ll follow you home and kill your fluffy”

I love Postal.


My interest is correlated to how expansive the options and freedom is. Not interested in the old Flash forced torture or forced hugbox stuff. I like a fluffy game where anything can happen, so far as talking about fluffies.




I got twenty bucks if dis comes out as a banger

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