Poll winners/losers story time by AcemcGrimace

the city herd(s) are winners hitting 40% of the polls. Reasonable to fact that nummies is plentiful in the city of its trash.

This herd within the city itself is the youngest and most arrogant and has the most smarties. Their spoiled runaways and brats are cancerous behaviors of the city. Nothing special. However, this lends them to be true winners. They get want they want from humans rather it’s asking or simply being given.

the wilds herd(s) are the losers and lessers of the flufflies herds due to the fact they hit only 10% of the polls. Plus, further you are from accessible nummies the loss likely to survive.
This herd is a grasslands herd, they somewhat stay between the outskirt of the city and somewhat near the tree lines of the forest near the city. They’re Opportunist survivalist and hunters to smaller creatures. They also experts and seasoned nummie founders. However, even if they were seasoned. It still wasn’t enough to earn a living among the lands. The lands are unfortunately unforgivable. This far out from the human city means far more dangers then humans. The outskirts is and was a very hot place during summers and a very windy cold winters. Small little paddles to ponds of the area given water however also given its own dangers too.
If the weather didn’t take out the fluffy with its temperature then the wildlife of the grassland will. From bullfrogs to Coyote or hawks, they would added challenges to the herds of the outskirts. Meanwhile, the inner city herds would easily get a home if founded. The chances of their Survival vs. the outskirts is 70% higher due to the human factors. Yeah, they had challenges like daily abuser however it’s not across the city. Plus, hugboxers nearly out number abusers by 30% Difference. And this doesn’t mean it can’t include other factors vs. the outskirts factors which the grasslands are greater chances of death and dangers.

Let’s openly discuss This and my handcannon includes literally everything from or of the fandom. Rather, it’s lore, story or cannon or not. I agree with it cause everything has a place and it all can fit together if agreed openly with its own community. That’s just my two cents.

To the 40 voters, we can do this again or discuss why the winners are winners and the failures are losers.


We were supposed to vote for the one that was least likely to survive, right?

No the one with most points winns, city won

this is text self posting, not image

Oops yes you’re right

I screwed up then. Had a hard time understand your instructions. Sorry.

Yeah I figured I must’ve said it backwards but my fault. Losers should be most points and winners are less points?? Mmmmm, yeah. I see and I understand.


Sooooo, do over? Yeah?

If it matters to you. Dunno if the votes would have changed that much.

Alright let me think about some things and see what I got… re-thinking