Pony as a fluffy [by CyclopsBurger]

@LostDauphin look!!

Time spent: 10 hours and 15 minutes

Decided to draw my childhood stuffed animal horse as a fluffy! My dad won her for me from a claw machine when I was 6 or so. She never had an official name and was simply known as “Pony”.

It didn’t feel right drawing her in my usual fluffy style, so I suppose she’s a different breed? One who is more horse-like. Her ancestors were bred specifically for their horse-like traits. Those who had them were able to breed. Until eventually they looked like this. This kind of fluffy has a better chance of being considered a “gud babbeh” because the breeders see the value in both bright, pleasing colors AND more natural colors. Though puke greens and ugly yellows are still discarded. Because of their selective breeding pegasus and unicorn babbehs are unlikely, but not unheard of or unwanted.

Anyways I added a signature and date. I personally think it’s a useless effort, that someone could always romove it. And that it’s only my username’s initials. But I mentioned something about taking commissions a while ago to my mom. And she made me promise to start labeling my stuff because “What if you get famous??” PFFT AS IF

Here’s the real Pony:



Very Cute!
also holy shit that could be a whole ass story if you ever wanted to try and write something!


Success or not, always take credit for your work. You put in the time and effort. Take pride in that!

Also, this is super cute and I love it.


I’m not very confident in my writing skills, but you could totally take the idea! It would be an honor actually, since you’re my favorite author here :slight_smile:


Confident or not, this is the community in which to try. I know plenty of people here would help you develop the story, edit, and refine until you have something you are happy with.

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what Greaver said, fr if you need help dont be afraid to ask and shit

also fuck you for complementing me, you charmer you

NO TAKE IT! Seriously

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Beautiful pony fluffy.

And that pony doll so huggable :heart_eyes:

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I see fur on the forehead :heart_eyes:

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