Poopeh Daddeh Part 2 (SmartHater)

Part 2 Hope you like it!!!
You are Brian a brown pegasus. You have the wowstest bunie hurties, a wild surge of electricity suddenly got into your body
You scream and scream again as the pain doesn’t stop but continue you even hear your fur sizzle due to the large charge of electricity. And the one giving you this pain, the one giving you hurties is:
-“Hep, Hep Stop anymore is going to kill him and so no milkies to you”, Daddeh says
Then your bestest finally stop pushing the button and got near your Daddeh not even sparing you a stare as you still suffer from the pain
-“Giv miwkies nao nao nao nao…” Bestest start to scream
-“Here Fucking bitch” Your Daddeh shove a bowl of miwkies in front of bestest as she gorge herself on the sweet mixture.
-"Wai bestesh babbeh? Wai giv huwties to daddeh ? Am gud Fwuffy, am gud daddeh?
Your bestest stops after drinking the last drop of milk and goes over to you, you tought she would give you huggies and wub but then she start giving sorry hoofsies to one of your see-place
-"Shaddup dummmmeh!!! Ou am ugwy poopeh Fwuffy ou am no daddeh!!! OU!AM!NO!DADDEH!
-“Am no poopeh, am bwown” You start to retort before another sorry hoofsies hit your see-place and you scream again, Daddeh separates you from your bestest.
-“Stop, he’s now going to be the only way you’re going to get food so you better take care of him when it’s not lunch time or no nummies for you”
-“wha” you says surprised
-“Yeah from now one whenever your “bestest” need to eat she will have to give you pain and injuries in exchange you and her will have good nummies” Your daddeh says hiding a glint of sadistic glee in his eyes.
You are surprised, you are scared, you don’t want any hurties you don’t want to be hurt.
Daddeh leaves you a bowl of kibble and after he put hit in front of you so you can eat and give you a blanket over you, you start being grateful thinking that you are loved again, but bestest soon goes near you and snatch your blanket away from you and goes to hide it into another corner of the room. She then goes over to your bowl and start making poopie all over your kibble
-“Num aww of bestesh poopeh dummeh ugwy poopeh fwuffeh” She says
-“Daddeh Bwian nu wan num poopeh kibbwe!!! Pwease giv nyu Kibbwe” You says, you didn’t wanted to eat poopie you wanted to num kibble or better yet skettis after all these hurties.
-“Though luck that’s all you’re eating tonight,you can starve to death for all i care.” Your Daddeh says, you’re shocked you may have been a bad Fluffy but as long as you can remember you daddeh have always been the bestest daddeh ever but now he seemed very scary.
-“Bwian Sowwy Dad…” You try to say but your Daddeh have already left the room bestest slep in the corner of the room fat and with your warm blanket, after 1 hour you ate all of the poopie kibble because you were to hurt and tired to starve today.
You looked at bestest, you baby fat from all the milk she drunk, huggin your blanket while you were hurt, you left see-place swollen from her sorry hoofsies.
Why did she hurt you? She was a good babbeh, why is she now a bad babbeh?
You slowly huuhued into the night cold and alone with no love and huggies.


Brian is a milktoast. He deserves pain for spoiling his pathetic brat like that.