Poopie Justice (EzPete)

Prompted by @Ace’s repeated vocalization on the trope and the leddit post

You are Poopies. You lie in a pile of your namesake as you listen to your two siblings peep for milkies. “Dew dew bestes bebbehs, speciaw fwen am fiwdin bestes sketti nummiest u make mowe miwkies” Your pretty blue mummah says. She continues to babble a mummah song. You chirp for milkies too and she shoots an angry glare at you.

Everything currently hurts, you were starving since poopies taste disgusting, and you are too selfish and self-absorbed to num on them. Instead, letting them pile up and stink up mummah’s pretty nest in the alley you called home.

Last night, you crawled over to mummah’s milkie place to get food while she was sleeping. You had the first full meal in a week. It was so good that you fell asleep on her bosom next to your blue unicorn brother. A bad idea. You woke up to her screaming. “Miwky fief! Take sowwy hoofsies!” and then her stomping on you as punishment. You felt something snap and screeee’d in agony.

Your big green daddeh used to protect you but instead watched as this all played out while comforting your two siblings. ”Aww bebbehs nee’ miwkies!” he used to say. But he would leave to get food and when he came back mummah would say you were being a bad bebbeh, giving your siblings sorry hoofs and biting mummah and making bad poopies.

“Nu am twu!” You had wished to yell, but since mummah gave you less milkies, you were still a chirpy and were only able to cry as daddeh carried you back and dropped you in the poopie pile. “Sowwy bebbeh buh onwy gud bebbehs dwink miwkies.” He said before leaving to find nummies again.

“Dummeh poopie! Miwkies nu am fow yuu!” Mummah acknowledged you directly, a rare occurrence. ”Bestes sketti miwkies onwy fow bestes smawtie bebbeh and bestes dancy bebbeh!” You are too tired to keep peeping. You close your eyes and take a nap.

“Hewwo nice Mistah! Be nuu daddeh fow bestest mummah and bebbehs?” You open your eyes as the noise startles you awake. “I don’t know. Taking care of fluffies is a lot of work.” Your eyes slowly begin to focus on the man. He is getting on in years, a little thin, and wears a red wool sweater over a button up dress shirt with a tie. “Nuuu pwease! Wook at bestes dancy bebbeh! Bebbehs am bestes tingy!” She stands your purple pegasus sister up and she begins to shake her hooves. “nyu dadah?” she manages to chirp.

“Oh, how could I say no to a face like that? Alright, I’ll take you all home!” Your brother and sister begin to spin in circles in excitement and your mummah begins clapping her hooves singing with excitement. “Nyu home! Wawm beddie! Fun toysies! Nummie skettis! gaaasp Mistah! Nee’ tu wait fow speshow fwen tu come bawck!”

The man fishes a newer box from out of a trash can and kneels down in front of mummah. “I can’t wait all day. You have to pick. New home or your special friend?” Your mummah looks sad. “Gun miss speshow fwen but homesies am bestes fow widdle bebbehs!”

The man scoops her up and places her in the box. “Cawefuw wid bestes bebbehs!” she cries as he grabs them a places them in the box with her. “Don’t worry, they’re completely safe right now!” He speaks in a kind tone.

He puts his hands on his hips and sighs. “You know what? I can wait a few minutes to see if your special friend comes back.” Your mummah sits up in the box as you can only assume your siblings sit inside drinking milk.

“Let’s lay down some ground rules for my house, ok? Only make good poopies in the litter box. No asking for sketti. I will give it to you if you are a good fluffy. And absolutely no hurting your foals ok?” Your mummah makes a side glace at you before looking back up at the man. “Otay nyu daddeh!”

You know he’s not a meanie human and you want to go with him too. You let out a feeble cheep to get his attention so he will take you too. “What was that? Did I miss a foal?” He asks. “Nuuu daddeh. Am just da windies!” She chirps nervously while giving you more sideways glaces. You chirp again.

“What are you looking at girl?” He turns his head towards where you are laying and walks over. “Nuu gu obah dewe! Am jus poopie piwe! Nu am smeww gud fow nyu daddeh!” He’s standing right over you. You chirp again and wriggled you legs at him. “Oh, you poor baby.” He says reaching into his pocket to grab a handkerchief. He plucks you out and begins to wipe you down.

His hands are warm, and you nuzzle up against them through the cloth. You aren’t allowed the warmth of the fluffpile and the poopie pile is only warm when mummah or daddeh drop a fat turd on your head. “So dirty. Did you do this to him?” He continues to wipe your fluff down. “Nuh uh! Speshow fwen put poopie bebbeh in poopies!”

“Well, I guess we don’t have to wait for him after all then!” He finishes cleaning your head and body and moves on to your legs. You feel a sharp pain and screee. “Oh, your little leg is broken. How could anyone hurt such a perfect little colt?”

“Did your special friend do this too?” He asks mummah. She looks away. “Be honest. Good fluffies don’t lie.” She looks up at him with tearful eyes. “Uh huh. Nu have enuf miwkies! Bebbeh am miwkie fief steawin miwkies fwom bwuddah an Sistah wiwe it am sweepie times!”

“Now, that still doesn’t justify breaking his leg.” You hear your brother chirping now. “Mummah am sowwy! Was akssident!” He must be distressed from your mummah crying. The nice man sets you down on top of a trash can and bends down to pick him up. “Nyu, bad uppies! Pwease gib mummah bestes smawtie bebbeh!”

The man cradles the crying unicorn in his hands. “Oh, is he a smarty?” He wiggles one of your brothers legs. “There there.” crack Your brother lets out an ear piercing scree as his leg how bent at an unnatural angle. “Waw wong!? Am bebbeh okeh!?” Mummah frantically chirps.

“Oh, sorry. It was an accident!” he says as his face begins to look like a meanie. “NYUUUU! DADDEH GIB SMAWTIE BEBBEH WOWSTEST HUWTIES!” Mummah cries up at him. “Oh, those weren’t the worstest hurties!” crack Your brother’s other leg now bends in the other direction as he redoubles his screeching.

He sets him down on the pavement and reaches for your sister. Mummah dives down to shield her from his hand. “NYU! NU TAWKE BESTES DANCIE BEBBEH!” her efforts are helpless as he plucks the Pegasus out from under him.

“I don’t think it’s fair that she gets to dance while your smarty and poopie can’t. Don’t you agree?” Mummah is standing frantically on her back two legs reaching up for her foal. “NUU! NUU HUWT DANCIE BEBBEH!” crack You sister’s crying joins your brother. crack “There, now these two won’t feel left out.” He places the screaming filly down next to her crippled brother.

“Huu huu huu! Bebbeh nu dancie ebah agaiwn!” Mummah sobbed into her hooves. “Don’t be such a Debbie downer. Those will heal right up. Now, are you all ready to go?” The man asks mummah in his nice voices again. “Yuu am munstah daddeh! Hatchu! Mummah nu go wit yuu!”

“Don’t be like that! I’ll make skettis. Well, not for you. You are a bad fluffy. But your foals will get some.” She looks down at your two crippled siblings. You are scared watching this all and lay in a puddle of peepees trying not to chirp. You do want skettis and begin peeping at the mention of food.

The man looks down at you. “Oh, did I scare you. Don’t worry little guy, I’m here to protect you.” He pets you softly on the head. You feel his gentle touch and begin cooing. You are still scared but you feel like he won’t hurt you.

“Dummeh daddeh.Gib debbeh mummah bestes dancie nu mowe an smawty bebbehs! Nee’ huggies tu mawke wowstest huwties gu away! Nu wub dummie nu speshiaw poopie babbeh!” mummah words hurt you. The man turns back to her. “What’s so special about these two?” He leans down and scoops of the peeping filly trying to drag herself away with her front two legs. Your brother struggles helplessly to stand up but only forces his but into the air.

“Oh, is it because she’s a Pegasus?” He gently stretches one of her wings out. “That can be fixed.” He twists the wing off with a quick motion and repeats the process with the other in the span of a second. She scree’s with renewed vigor. He tosses the wings into an open trash can, plops her down, and grabs your brother under his legs.

He scree’s as the weight of body is suspended from the man’s hand by his broken front leggies. “Now, what did you say this one was? A smarty?” He holds the colt out so that mummah can look at him. “NUUUU!” The man retracts his arm. “he’s a no? What’s a no?” Mummah is jumping up and down trying to get over the ledge of the box. “Nuu! Gib smawtie bebbeh tum ummah!”

“Oh, he’s a smarty. Well, not for long.” He places his thumb on your brother’s horn and begins to press. Your brother peeps in confusion under the strange sensation. Then he starts chirping as panic sets in and he can feel the pain in his forehead. He tries to push the man’s hands away but his broken legs just can’t seem to lift up right. Suddenly he gets quiet, and his legs fall back down. The man turns the no longer unicorn over in his hands to inspect him. “Ok, he’s still breathing. I was worried for a moment.” He sets him down next to your sister who is still trying to crawl away.

“Ok, now that none of your babies are special now. Are you ready to go?” He looks down at mummah with a smile. “Mustah.” She growls. “What was that?” he chuckles. “Yuu am munstah! Huwt gud bebbehs weggies! Take wingy bebbehs wingies an pointy bebbeh’s pointy! Hatchu munstah daddeh!”

“Now is that any way to speak to the nice man that is going to give you a new home with toys and sketti?” She just glares up at him. “I know. Let’s turn that frown upside down.” He grabs both your siblings who had both voided their bowels now in pain and sets them down on the lid next to you and then tips the box over holding mummah.

“I have just the trick to cheer you up. Have you ever been to the circus? No. Well I use to work at the circus. Let me show you.” He grabs your brother and sister and begins tossing them in the air. He catches each and tosses them again. Your sister screeches in terror as each time she lands her broken legs are twisted about. Your brother lets out what kind of sounds like huu huus but you can’t really tell.

“NUUU! BEBBEHS AM GUNNA FAWW!” She frantically tries to climb his leg. He laughs. “it’s called juggling. Don’t worry!” This continues for a bit, he’s closes his eyes, he does it one handed, he even goes under his arm and tosses them over his head.

“Now, watch close! It’s time for the grand finale!” He crouches down before flinging his hands upwards with as much force as he can. Bruddah and Sistah go really high up, they look like little dots. “You better catch them.” Mummah looks confused. “Wuh? Wuh!” Her eyes shoot wide open in terror “SABE BABIES!” She sprints around trying to position herself under the flying foals as they come back down.

“WINGY BABBEH FWY FOW MUMMAH! BESTEST COME HEWE!” By miraculous luck your brother smacks right into her chest. Your sister is not so lucky as she splats hard into the pavement. Your mother wheezes. Winded from the impact and possibly broken ribs. “Oh no, you didn’t save your daughter! Poor thing. Tsk tsk tsk. I can’t take a mummah that lets her own babies die home.”

“heeeee heeeee heeeee” Your mother tries to force out words but can’t suck in air. She lays on her side rocking in pain as she clutches your miraculously still living brother. “Well, at least there’s still one good fluffy.” The man pulls a wet wipe from one of his pockets and wipes the blood off his hands before giving you a more thorough cleaning.

He looks down at you as you tremble in terror “Are you ready for skettis little guy?” You cheep excitedly. He was a nice man. He scoops you up and tucks you into one of his warm sweater pockets. You are rocked to sleep as he walks home.

You aren’t paying attention to him speak as you drift off. “Careful there stud, your old lady just killed all your foals and tried to eat the worst one while you were gone.”

You are Dumpster. You are a green earth fluffy named after the big nummie boxes. You just spent a forever looking for nummies for your special friend and her two foals. You are returning to the alley you call home with a bag full of green “taco” nummies when a nice man in a red sweater tells you the most impossible thing.

You don’t believe him obviously. Sky would never hurt her babies, not the good ones at least. That all changes as she comes into sight. She is laying on her side, squeezing your bestest too hard. Your daughter is a pile of mush on the pavement. Even your poopie baby is gone.

You drop the nummies and run up to her in a panic. “Speshow fwiend! Wuh am happen?” You demand. She looks terrified “heeeee heeee heeee” she gasps at you. You look around. She has blood all over her fur. Your wingy baby is missing her wings, and your pointy baby is missing his horn. “Yuu huwt bebbehs?” she wheezes “Yuu am eat poopie bebbeh?” she wheezes again. Tears well up your eyes.

She knows what she did and refuses to answer. “Yuu am wowstest mummah! Daddeh fiwnd bestest gween nummies fow mummah and bebbehs buh mummah nu am wait! Num poopie bebbeh! Scawe gud bebbehs! Den huwt gud bebbehs!” She just wheezes more. Unknown to you, one of her lungs has collapsed and she is struggling to draw in breath.

You force back your tears. “Hatchu.” You rear up and slam your hooves down on her face. She manages to let out a faint scree just before your hooves land. You roll your dead unicorn out of her limp hooves. Tears drip down onto the colt that was to grow into a stallion and carry on your legacy. It wiggles slightly. You feel hope, he was still alive! It opens its eyes and stares up at you. “Dwabbeh?”

You are Poopies, well not anymore, you are Canvas now. Daddy took you home. Took you to a “vet” to fix your hurties and gave you lots of delicious milk and then sgettis when you could finally chew.

Daddy was a painter and you got to watch him work even though you couldn’t run or play with the meanie “cast” on your leg. Your mane started to come in a nice yellow, daddy said he liked it. It was like the sun he said as he painted one to reinforce the point.

Two weeks had passed. And you had just returned from the vet after getting your cast removed. Good thing too as it was getting rather tight. “Wub yuu daddeh!” You chirp out reaching up for uppies.

You were a talkie baby too. “Aww, love you too. Now, since your leg is finally better. I have a surprise for you.” You wondered what it was, a ball? Blocks? A trip to the park? There were so many things you wanted to do with your leggy now that it was all better. You nuzzled into his sweater knowing he would have the bestest thing no matter what it was…

He carries you down to the basement. Was it a bigger safe room? One you could run around in? He sets you down on a table and rolls you over. You giggle as his hand tickles your belly. He grabs your leg and puts something over it. “Siwwy daddeh! Funneh game!” Then he grabs the next one. Then the next. Then the next.

He looks down at you with a face that you had forgotten. One you pushed to the deepest parts of your memory. You peep with fear as the memories come flooding back.

You hear a click, and a wave of bright hot light blinds you.

“Daddeh?” You chirp in fear. “Nu wike game!”

“I can’t believe your stupid momma would damage my precious little canvas.”


I am a bit confused about the ending… could someone explain plz?


Guy is an abuser. Strapped the foal to a table to torture it. He had to wait because it was already broken and needed time to heal.


Excellent payoff



Thanks…yeah if i written a story like that…well not ‘like’ this but more of with my headcanon stuff… I’d have my sorceror keep them as a familiar like a black cat so to speak.

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I was intentionally subverting the trope of the poopy foal surviving and being given a happy ending.

A lot of stories have a human swoop in and save a fluffy from an abusive herd all the while being a mary sue stand in for the author to abuse the “evil” fluffies. It is incredibly sanctimonious even by my standards and I don’t know how people get any personal fulfilment from those stories.


You had me ready to shove my foot up your ass, not gonna lie…but expectations were pleasantly subverted and everyone got their shit kicked in at the end of the day. 9/10 could have used more poop.


I’m so glad people are finally pushing back against this stupid fucking trope. :heart:


Yea. I noticed when I got to the juggling portion that they hadn’t shat sufficiently.

Glad you like it.


I like brown fluffies but they only deserve any love once they have suffered more than a veteran of the eastern front.

Too much poopy justice is literally just “mom didn’t love her brown earthie as much as her rainbow pegasus” time to pillow the entire family and take the poopie to didneyworl!"


I obly get fulfillment on the methods of torment… more specifically using fictional stuff like hocus pocus cuz thats when you can get creative.

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I like any fluffy that’s written in a way that makes it likeable. Most poopie justice stories rely on the reader feeling sorry for the little shit rather than actually liking it and wanting it to succeed, and there’s a difference.


Some guys just likes the justicebox

Both my Bella’s Vacation and Fallen from Sgettiland stories are along the lines of a brown foal winning the lottery in shitty (haha get it) conditions but I at least internally differentiate them as deus ex machina as opposed to self insert abusers punishing bad mummahs and siblings.


One of my best friends has IRL poopie babbeh trauma, because it’s depressingly common for parents of mixed-race kids to treat them according to which one looks whiter. I can’t stab parents like that IRL and it wouldn’t actually solve anything if I did, much as I’d like to on my friend’s behalf, so I make do with the fluffy justicebox. I do get that pity isn’t enough reason to want to read about a particular fluffy though.

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Most women’s first son is their “bestest” baby. Families unironically feed first sons better in general and have for most of human history. IDK how many women I know are traumatized because their parents either ignored them to raise their son or constantly pushed their desire for a son onto their daughter.

People often write into Fluffies a reflection of humanity.

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Oh yep, I know about that. Lotta dads get pissy when they see pink at gender reveal parties too, like they’re fucking Henry the Eighth or something, and girls often get forced to effectively raise their brothers, even if the brother is older.

(My friend was actually the whiter-looking kid but her mother molested her because she was the “prettier” one, while neglecting the browner-looking kid. Haven’t seen that dynamic with fluffies and maybe I should try it out.)


Some of us poor unfortunate souls still have empathy.

Also poopies are much better behaved anyways.


& some even more unfortunate souls have not thought through what being an Abuser actually says about their edgy, yet pristine self-insert.
Character dismembers completely ( to the character, that is, who not uncommonly has literally superhuman abilities ) harmless creatures, who can actually beg for mercy? That is ok - the fluffs can still harm other fluffs! & are supposed to represent actual bad people that are tragically able to defend themselves! That the writer implies they would love to actually torture as well, if capable!

Thank God for ( warning: link to violent phrasing, without any legitimising testicle abuse ) hategoats :smiling_imp: