Poopie Smarty: Repoopied Edition (Poopiest_of_bebbehs)

I thought I’d test out my acquired drawings skills since joining back in June, so here is a remake of the first fluffy drawing I ever did.



For those interested, this character is from my first fluffy series: The epic of the poopie smarty


Yes, you can see the improvement.


The old one looks like a potato with limbs and face sitting in some melted butter.
Carry on and keep improving!


Damn bro, making me hungry over here.


Thank you! :big_caterpillow:

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Sure the new one technically looks better but the old one has charm


omg i love both versions.
One is literally a lil loaf ;;; So adorable

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Love them both, but very impressed with your progress so far, keep it up! And maybe draw a tater fluffy for fun, every now and then


Thats the story that got me hooked on your writing last year! I still recommend that to people who haven’t already read it. I like the newer one but the experimental cartoon look of your first fluffys is really cool in it own right.

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Thank you, I promise that I’ll finish that series soon enough.

I’ll probably go back and redo the old art for each chapter as well.


No worries I understand (real life gets crazy sometimes. I also have stuff on the backburner that has yet to see the light of day)
I look forward to the new art and writing you have time for. If I can fit it in id really like to do some fanart of Bonnie or Honeydew.

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I’d love to see art of Honeydew or Bonnie.

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I strongly prefer the original style. It has so much more character to it.

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For real?

He’s just a lil potato.

That’s what makes me like him so much. He looks like a potato with legs and facial features… It’s so adorable. But more importantly, it looks genuine and spontaneous. To me, the newer pic just doesn’t have the simple, absurd charm of the lil potato.

Just my opinion, though.

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Great improvement! Please keep drawing!


The potatoes looked more comical


Holy shit, that’s quite the improvement!

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