Pop Quiz: Why do Fluffies enjoy spaghetti?

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If I were to guess its because flying spaghetti monster may have been a le funny at the time

It's a mystery.

be anon
You’re at Game Stop to pick up your preorders
You notice there’s a cute girl behind the register
you step up to the counter and take a deep breath
A trio of fluffy ponies peek out from behind an xbox display and begin babbling excitedly
you stammer something about Pokemon as streams of spaghetti jet from your pockets
fluffy ponies gorge themselves on pasta.
somehow, they always know…


Screenshots from 4chan or GTFO.

I’m not sure i follow hwo that relates to my kitsune fluffies but okay.

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say “spaghetti” 10 times as fast as you can.

the most likely result will be a fluffy running to you and asking “SKETTIS?”

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About 40% (two of every 5) of users got the question right.

In 2012’s 4chan environment, there was a common gag that persisted. The gag was that people would go up, talk to girls, mistakenly say something to reveal how nerdy they were, or something socially awkward, and spaghetti would begin to flow out of their pockets. /mlp/ as the My Little Pony board was huge on the joke, often whole threads were full of stories that were nothing but scenarios of anons being in compromising situations, the secret getting out that they liked My Little Pony, and then the spaghetti flowed.

The pinnacle of the meme, fun fact, was when my friend Capper got banned from a Bronycon for carrying spaghetti around in his pocket at the con. He would pull it out when he went to talk to cute cosplayers and then scamper off, but somebody started a rumor that he was carrying a pot of boiling spaghetti and was trying to throw it at congoers. Such is life.

@fluffsplosion Good on you holmes
@Dickbutt99 Learn to follow instructions you chumbawumba
@flufferinarian @Oculusfluffy If I haven’t done a good job explaining, feel free to go nuts.

I now invite you to tell me what you voted, and why you did.


I figured it was 'the one about the Italian member because of how specific it sounded.
Also, FPG is/was a part of 4chan, right? That made it even more believable to me.

I honestly didn’t know “Drop Your Spaghetti” was a thing. The closest I’ve seen anything similar was a video of FilthyFrank trying to give people pocket ravioli.

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By process of elimination. The “Italian member” option is too specific to be believable, and I doubt that such an important part of fluffies would’ve stemmed from a single user’s content.

The “fun word” option is conversely too general. By this logic, it could’ve been any food, so this was unlikely to be true.

“Messy food” is not believable either. There are many foods that can be messy if you don’t eat carefully. And I doubt that people would’ve looked for a kind of food to specifically fit fluffy shenanigans. It feels like it should be more spontaneous.

“Fall of Cleveland” was obviously created after the base traits of fluffies were created. In the first place, “Fall of Cleveland” happened because of spaghetti, and it wouldn’t make much sense to create such a massive monument of the fandom’s creativity with a newly introduced concept as it’s core.

Now, “Drop your spaghetti” sounds a lot like what you would expect from the Internet at the time, and it makes sense for early fandom members to integrate Internet culture into fluffies. So that’s what I chose.


I voted for the, Cleveland one because it was the only one that made sense to me.

I saw a video of a guy going up to a Trixie cosplayer and dropping the spaghetti from his pants.

The woman was gorgeous, her costume immaculate. She just had the outfit on, no weird anthro details.

Her bemusement juxtaposed against the sad sack was hysterical.

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I never got far in life following instructions

Yep that was Capper, doing his bit. Shit was god-damn hilarious.

More specifically, it was one greentext story in particular. An Anon had the opportunity to go out on a date with a very attract lady and took the precaution of stuffing a fluffy pony into his pocket. The date then became a success because whenever a date-shattering bit of bad luck or social faux pas would be about to occur, the fluffy would eat the spaghetti before it could fall out, thus countering the bad luck with an offsetting lucky break.

And from that simple joke, so much has grown :slight_smile: